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something to show for their money


If people did want something to show for their money, I presume that they could make their donation in return for buying shares in the club.

I can vouch that the framed certificate makes a welcome addition to any room in any house/flat/squat/nursing home/rehabilitation clinic..

In fact Laurence Llewelyn Bowen ( not sure how you spell it ) insists there is one in all of his makeovers, however he favours a gothic purple velvet frame , rather than the traditional mahogany.


Are these still available ? the shares not the gothic purple velvet frames !!



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I may not be at the Margate match tomorrow but will definately come and see you on Saturday about ways of promoting this to the masses.


It might be worth holding off distributing flyers etc until the Stevanage game (25th Jan)? Its closer to the end of the month, when a lot of people get paid and would guarentee a better responce - plus give those involved with organising things a bit more time.


Have a look at the following for a few initial thoughts:




If flyers are to be distributed then I think a SAE is important as it would ensure a better response rate. I don't mind putting up the money for all the postage stamps!






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Getting more thru' the turnstiles :
1) Free tickets to respective kids teams / school teams in the area. Kids invariably bring a few paying adults, they buy programmes etc etc.. They may even enjoy it and come back again, the next time being paying customers.

Why restrict it to just kids' footie teams?
Why not target ALL the schools in the area?

Even if only 5% take up the offer that is plenty of potential supporters that we can lure back another day.
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Next idea:


Get the Gravesend Reporter to help with a


'Keep Fleet In The Conference' Campaign:


Highlighting how hard it is to compete with the big boys

& explaining how if MORE people to go and support the Fleet that they will be able to compete better on the pitch.


Include articles about EVERY aspect of the club, behind the scenes, about everybody from the chairman downwards..... the players, the groundstaff, the supporters association - really make people reading the articles feel they want to come and be part of it.


Even put a voucher in for discounted admission to try and coax them, such as 'kid goes free with a paying adult' or a simple £2 off admission voucher.


Extra income through the gates (however discounted) has got to be better than nothing?


We have such a wide area with varied cultures to entice people from.

Look at our asian communities - how many do we see at the Fleet?


It's not that we can't get more people in - maybe it's simply time to change the way we go about trying - maybe more aggressive marketing of the club IS what is required.

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<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />If, after reading everything contained within, you can only come up with that as a comment, then it wasn't really the effort.


I made one post, after which somebody else in this office made a comment, so another post was made. I then replied to part of wobbly's comment, which merited it's own separate reply. I then made a futher suggestion later in the day.


Now, admittedly, I could have just edited the original post again & again, but unless there is some sort of competition for number of posts made (and maybe there is - perhaps I broke a rule?) - does it really matter?


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />If I wanted to get my number of posts up then I could do that quite easily - in future I won't edit the positions in the prediction league, I will delete the current ones and submit a new thread after each game with the latest positions & a reply for the scores per person - there's a guaranteed 3 posts per match for me.


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />The sad thing is that in making that cheap remark you have actually made yourself guilty of your own accusation.


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />I merely made what I hope were some constructive suggestions to increase the income for the club that we all support.


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />If you can come up with some better ones then you'll be able to increase your number of posts accordingly.


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />Thank you for the opportunity to increase my posts by one more though, by means of this reply.


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />Enjoy the game, if you are going, because some of us are at work.

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Touchy arent we, Super Daz ?? - sorry, if I offended you - I should have added that the ideas contained within your various posts were positive - Its genuinely good that you come up with these ideas - I'm certainly not decrying that.


I'm not very imaginative myself, so I can only applaud others giving their ideas.


W£e have made great strides over the last couple of years, in terms of both on & off the field matters, and I want to see that continue as much as anyone else. My time (& money) is taken up by my 2 kids, otherwise I'd willingly get more involved with the club myself.


Once again, apologies for any offence caused.




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An Idea -


As we are the Ryman League Campions ( If anyone had forgotten ) , how about prior to a couple of games this year, offer photographs to be taken with the Championship trophy.

I am sure Eric would relish the chance to take the photos, and the club could make a decent mark up on the sales of the photos.





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Thanks for all the ideas, the flyer for Sat will simply be getting the message to those who do not have web access.


We can then give out pledge forms with sae, or other ways of donating.


I think it is essential that all the money goes to one source, that way a proper record can be made and receipts given to people who pledge money,either in person or by post etc.


I am already in receipt of some money. Will hopefully be speaking to the Chairman today so we can make sure the Club is up to date with what is happening, hopefully the match on Saturday will be on and we can get the ball rolling then. What we must not do is make people think that they have to pledge large amounts, £5, £10 etc will all help to swell the pool of money.



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Well done to everyone on this thread. I will be at the game on saturday if it is on and will definitely donate as much as i can (wrong time of year with everyone skint, but you cant pick a time to need money). Im not down because we have deserved to lose the last two matches and at least we know we are at fault and not the referees etc.


Up the Fleet

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How about ( Its probably against Conference rules tho')


Increase the admission to 10 quid for the rest of the season.


With 10 home games left , we could generate upwards of 7 to 8 grand..


This has the benefits of:

1) Spreads the costs amongst all fans

2) means that all away supporters are also contributing to our player kitty.

3) Makes the season ticket look even more advantageous , and may make a few fork out for one of the ten year ones.

4) Eases the problems at the turnstiles, as it means that the guy doesn't need to have a big bag of pound coins for change.

5) It will probaly go up to 10 quid next year ( if we stay up ) anyway, so it gives people a chance to get used to it.


The downsides are that

1) one or two would moan about the increase , but would an extra quid stop them turning up ? I don't think that it would , especially if the reason why was explained.

2) A proportion of the extra pound would need to be paid to the taxman ( I am guessing at that , but would assume that to be true )


All in all, I think that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and run alongside any pledges etc, would give Andy a bit more leverage in the transfer market.






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Sammy - Was it your idea that the club also put the programme prices up ??? I thought it was overpriced at £1.50 !!!!


Anyway like your idea on the £10 admission charge, if its against Conference rules, couldn't the club just ask whether you would like to donate the £1 to the GFNSA players fund when you come in.. Then its discretionary and not a compulsory change.






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i think the £10 idea is a good one,especially with the season ticket not being that much cheaper than normal entry(about £1.72 a match cheaper if my calculations are correct <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />) and then you feel much more obliged to go to every match(which depending on how you look at it can be good,can be bad),if its comparitively cheaper then you would buy it,raising much needed funds and maybe even the 10year ones(dave did the calculations for that,something like 10 people creates£16000). We were warned about the program price increase well in advance, i dont think many people begrudge g&n 50p though?!

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