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Danny has no speed for through balls. Youngsters get the better of him everytime. However I do appreciate his scoring record & his being in the right place at the right time.That is his forteit not his speed.It was suprising therefore to see him not put that ball into the net,though I can appreciate it was close to the keeper & the keeper earned his cash today by that one save alone.He didnt have anything else to do lets face it.Must have thought it was a holiday for him out there..I'd still have Danny IN my side rather than OUT of it.Of course I would. If only he could brush up on that side of his game,the speed, he would be an even better striker than what he is now. Mega in fact!

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seasidesteve, I do not want a slagfest with you, and I understand why everyone is imploding at this point, although I do not go along with everything everyone says. I watch the game like everyone else, and I take what I take from it as you take from it what you take from it. That differs because we are different people, and thank heavens for that.


But DONT YOU DARE assume things about me that you have absolutely no knowlege about. And STOP RIGHT NOW with being so personal.


I support my team in the way I want. I do not tell you how to do your thing, and you have no right to tell me how to do mine. I give my opinions, you give yours, we agree to disagree, fine.


And if you think I give a rat's behind about any censure from someone who has absolutely no connection with me and the things I hold dear you are very much deluded.


I accept you are sore from the game's result. No need to take it out on me, I wasn't playing today.

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I think we lacked that killer touch today along with sharpness. Players seemed to be losing the ball after mis-controlling, then not chasing after it, which we did see in earlier games.

As for players looking tired, I can in some way sympathise as including Tuesday's coming game, it will have been 10 matches in one month, when in coming months I think it is less, which could be one of the disadvantages of starting the season later than other leagues. Hockton who many have said looked weary does have a young baby to look after and I would imagine can lead to some disrupted nights!

It was not a great performance but hopefully problems will be put right on Tuesday.

Up the Gate!

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When Danny first played for us he was staying onside when the opposing back four were holding a high line. The through ball was being weighted into the gap behind the back line and Danny was turning the defender and beating him to the ball. Result: 1 on 1 with the goalie. He didn't seem to lack speed.


We haven't done that tactic much this season because we have been looking to take it forward up the wings. I know I keep banging on about Saunders, but he really could put the ball in that exact area (very often with a flick-on header), and I think Hockton/Pinnock will benefit.


I thought he looked very sharp during the pre-match today.

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Not there today, so its alot easier to be mildly positive as have not suffered like everyone ese seems to have done.


Ironic that being one who thinks its brilliant if we don't concede, and am always happy with a nil-nil in the league, as at least you get a point for it;we go and draw 0-0 when it does not matter .


We are still in the cup though, and must at least have a 50% chance on Tuesday .


Can't comment on anyones performance as not there, but i do note that a few post how JJ was often in space but not getting the ball.Imo it is part of his job to go and get the ball-maybe he needs to work a bit 'closer' with the midfield aswell as Skinner,and get more involved.For the midfield to be effective, you need your wide midfielders doing alot of work-is JJ doing enough basic work for all his ability, and that's where Abbott 'scores'-he gets through alot of work and harrassing a player is just as effective as creative passes.


Not sure how we will do on Tuesday-our record is very poor on Tuesday nights in any away game, but we will beat Wimbledon without a doubt

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Gringo said:
Another game another argument at the end of the season we'll be at eachothers throats <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/boxing.gif" alt="" /> Still it gives Rob Butler a breather.

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/affig.gif" alt="" />

Was going to pay you a visit today, decided not to in the end but from what I have heard i wish i did!
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You took your time Rob.Wish I had saved the gate entrance too.No,on second thoughts I am glad I contributed in this small way.It all helps & so does your absence because I couldnt bear to hear about how bad we were from you.Its bad enough knowing it anyway without having it being rubbed in by a red.It really was awful but we WILL be back,sooner rather than later.Glad you missed it..skinflint l.o.l.

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Hi Rob. This year isnt last year. However they werent bad. Hard to really judge them as our play was so bad it was untrue.We need to give them a better test than that if we are to really see how good they are. It was WE that were happy to see a draw today after that effort.If only Danny had put away that chance from 3yds (admittedly their keeper made a point blank save) we could be sitting here with smiles on our faces instead.Though the performance no doubt would still have been debated. It would have been a travesty had we won with practically that one real chance.But we didnt LOSE despite that. A positive at least.

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Rob_Butler said:
Poor effort June. These reason i did not go is from what I remember of Fleet last year, well organised unit, all to happy to grind out a draw. As I have mention said to Mike Holland on the phone, you will HATE Fleet.

Fleet were not at all good either today, that is why it was a crap game. Had both sides been at the best we would have had a goalfest and we probably would have won as we have better players. Although they really need to prove that at the moment.
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No one who supports a team and has an opinion on football is objective. If you want objectivity, go talk about a team you care nothing for.


Saying a hello to players as they pass on their way to their food is not socialising, just being polite and friendly. Sitting with other fans and having a conversation over a beer is socialising, and if you knew anything about me at all you would know that that is what I do more than anything else. Does having a friendly word with club officials, the ticket sellers, stewards, other fans, bar staff or the ball boys constitute a bar to objectivity too?


I may disagree or agree with some of the things you say, but I never pass comments about you as a person, I do not know you from adam. Neither do you know me, so I would respectfully request that you refrain from passing comment on what you imagine my behaviour to consist of. It is not your place, and I find it objectionable.


Your objectivity about my opinions seems to be clouded by some personal opinion you have formed about me. Do you think then that it is OK for you and not for me? Why not just agree to differ, and leave it at that?

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How many of us would be up for a afternoon of chasing a ball around the field while suffering the after effects of the flu.

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