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Ramsgate's 12th man - and I don't mean the ref or lino


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First of all I am going to stand up and say that a lot of abuse shouted out does come from me and 1 or 2 others. I have made a promise to myself not to do it again and i apologise, dont know why but i am a different person at football matches and i dont know why. Now i know that one of the culprits is also going to stop abusing and WE WILL be getting behind our team. Funny i was going to suggest all of this, but it seems everyone has beaten me to it. It is also not a good idea for us to be arguing with one and other (you know who you are).


So to conclude if you really want to get behind that team that join in with our songs of SUPPORT. If you choose not to then i will be dissapointed but i wont think any less of you. Up the Gate!!!

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i'm dissapointed in this thread and tbh am sick of all the bickering this is really pissing me off if you don't want singers then fine if you do want singers then fine for god sake this is pathetic, incidentally gringo the reason the body form song came about is cause 1 week my voice went high pitched during a song and was made relevence to an advert on tv hence my nickname i didnt chose it but it the name that most people know me by. The fact is that some footy songs contain swear words some don't the let him die chant is 1 i personally dont sing for obvious reasons i also refuse to use the c word on the terraces but if it wasnt for the 10 or so singers that do turn up week in week out then we would have no choir and atmosphere would be dull. I personally have to say that i have been to first 3 away games this season and cannot make away games for a while due to work but at those away games the choir sang there hearts out all the way thru and i believe this has helped, ok ok so some songs have offensiveness in them but not all and certain songs ie hating dover folkestone ramsgate scum may not bode well with some but if you look at any derbies or local rivalry some of the songs are far worse dover have thier fair share as do rams and folkestone but AT LEAST WE HAVE A CHOIR and are trying to put some atmoshere into games, i know that some of the choir are young and language sometimes could be curbed but i do try to stop some of it there is a fan that although is funny seems to have an admiration for the word W A N K E R he is new and although the word can be funny sometimes i personally think that over use is not always ideal and i know from speaking to authorities in th club that a 'quiet word' is going to be had.

Please don't get on to the choir so much these guys are very passionat about there club as we all are and do try to push the team that extra 10 percent even you gringo were having a sing along at waltn and hersham game and i believe i heard a few abusive words too. We all do it at 1 time or another and are all guilty of throwing abuse at linos refs players and such so there has to be a compromise somewhere.




bicker away if u wish and i will just read now i've said my piece

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The most intelligent post on this thread John. Very well said. If I could have summed it up like that I would have. Unfortunatley I am young and do let my feelings get the better of me occasionally. I am truely sorry for any upset I may have caused.

Onwards and Upwards

Together As One!


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Well put Bodyform, but no where on this thread have i moaned about swearing. Yes i swear a fair bit, the only thing i raised an opinion was the non Margate songs. Any way thats enough of the squabling. Lets hope for a performance sat. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/argue.gif" alt="" />

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Only person I can think of that sings who is over 20 is Johno, so I suppose we have the right to act like kids. Paul, Butler, Mike and Alex are all 17-19 I think. Then there's Reece who is 14. James is 15, i'm 16, Ryan is 16 also but tends not to sing so much anymore. So thats the reason behind the acting like kids bit. Maybe we need some of you old farts to intergrate and steer us in the right direction.

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Agree with Bodyform's post. The young fella using the w*nker word every 2 minutes to the goalkeeper-well I was particularly embarrassed on behalf of the normal fans-IT'S NOT BIG AND IT'S NOT CLEVER.

Having said that I appreciate that a lot of the Choir are young and we were all young once and sometimes I join the singing and sometimes I don't. Curiously enough I find that beer often helps get the old vocal chords going.

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I am quite impressed that a simple observation by me has turned into a slagging match with people at each others throats and getting upset for no real reason. Again.

Just in case it has got lost in everything else the whole point of this was to see what could be done to increase the number of people singing and the possibility (mainly from what people have said) that the nature of some of the songs and some of the general comments that come from the choir could be putting people off joining in.

That left an opening for people to say whether thay agreed or not but it has turned into people bitching and rowing and all hope of a sensible discussion on it has been lost. Again.

There seems to be a building attitude again that suggests some people believe that supporting Margate gives them the god given right to be correct on every comment they have and not leave room for possibly accepting other peoples opinions and admitting that they could, actually, be wrong about something. 70 replies later and there still has not been any real development in finding a way to get more people in the 'choir' but lots of people have managed to have pops at each other. Which takes me back to the third sentance of my original post stating that we do not join together but stay in disjointed groups. And this thread has completely proved that as for some there is no leniency in accepting others opinions. The quote from someone earlier that stated 'I will sing what I want when I want' epitomised that completely.

I was hoping that this thread would have turned into something suggesting a way to round up more people to stand together and get behind the side, but all it seems to have done is got everyone on their high horses again.

My last couple of comments on this are.....

Although I believe part of the reason people do not sing is down to the nature of some of the songs I am not saying there should be no swearing. After all I would say 75% of the words I use per week are swear words. But there is no need for possibly the amount of swearing needlessly (once again I have been guilty of this in the past)or more importantly the sort of needless paedophillic comments that are regularly dished out. I am all for singing 'you fat b*stard' at a chubby opposition 'keeper in light hearted banter but there is no need for things like 'he sleeps with his sisters kids'.

And finally, thank you Johnno for the credit for writing a lot of the songs....in fact, the Chalmers-Stevens one is actually mine (not Porka and Butlers) but pretty much all of the new ones I have come up with have been simply player ones with no abuse (although I think I may have come up with a couple of Dover ones in the summer that were risque but only told to a couple of people and not for general release!).


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the choir won't change and it never will, the choir is their for a reason and the reason is to be the 12th man for margate, and the players love it because it spurs them on, and is more people join in with the songs then we might see the gate win more games


Margate FC chior till i die!!

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True, but i am and so are a few others i have spoke to are willing to change how we are to accomedate the other supporters and hopefully bring more people into the choir and then therefore everyone is a winner, because we are still singing and the other Margate supporters won't have to be embarrased by some of the choir.



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