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Ramsgate's 12th man - and I don't mean the ref or lino


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If we get an attendance of around 700 at home and 1 in every 10 of them joined in with some of the songs we would have around 70 singers! That would be 7 times the amount we have now! Just think of the atmosphere that would create for the players, it would be electric. Thats all I've got to say on the matter.

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Well i and a few others stopped singing when we played at Dover. The reason being,non football related songs being sung.One example being the oo bodyform chant no offence to Bodyform as im sure he wouldnt be singing about himself. I want to cheer Margate and the players. Not the lad in the dugout, not to get the players to wave and certainly not other fans christ we used to be the loudest in the Doc Martins league. Now lets all cheer OUR team starting sat.

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Gringo if you can't have a bit of fun then I suggest you don't bother showing your face amongst us. It's only a bit of fun mate and if you can't take that you have no sense of humour. By the way John leads the chants of OOOO Bodyform because IT'S A LAUGH! Jesus if you can't have a laugh at while watchin The Gate then why bother coming at all. I'll stop now because your just pissing me right off.

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Gringo said:
I thought the last post was your last say on the matter. I will show my face were the f##k i want, carry singing irrelevent cr@p and you will allways be the only ones singing.

i completly agree, sadly they are making their own bed, no wonder people choose not to sing when the hard core singer chooses to insult people at random.

carry on this way and ull be singing on your own im sure.
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I'm sorry, have I missed something, what is the problem with singing about Bodyform? As Mark said, it's only a laugh. And the majority of our songs ARE in support of the team! Fair enough if you don't want to sing, then don't, but don't complain about those who want to make some noise and get behind their team in their own way.

Margate choir till I die!

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Why not compromise? The choir have been extremely diligent and hard-working in creating an atmosphere, and sometimes it is just a few of them, and I think they are indispensible.


Of course more of us should join in. I am not adverse to a few 'We love you Margate's or 'give me an mmmmmmm's. But I do not hate Dover Athletic,Ramsgate (although I abhor the way they play) or Folkestone (in fact I find it hard to hate anyone), was not a little boy, and do not think Dover are scum, and do not wish to see opposing players die when they are down injured.


Legend is right, we had a bit of fun at Ashford, and away games, and I think it was that we had a really good mix of all ages and persuasions there, plus a bit of a feeling of togetherness that is sadly missing since - I think that is down to the sheer numbers of people now. We still have this at most away matches. I always found it different at home at Hartsdown, and I think this may be because (and no offence to the yoof) the behind the goal bit is the focus for all the kids, and they do sometimes go over the top with the profanity. And I am not a prude, and can swear myself like a trooper, but would rather not do it or hear it to excess.


Perhaps it is the fault of us older 'uns not getting involved, and steering the choir away from the grotty stuff. It might also be that if there are a lot of us at the coffin end you can see naff all, so sometimes it is better to stand somewhere else if you want to follow the game. Oh for a bit of terracing there.


I had every intention of doing a bit of singing last night, but the atmosphere was awful, and it kind of put me off doing it. It was also a bit tribal, and more about abusing the opposition fans than about celebrating the lads on the pitch.

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Talk about being pc...the whole point of football is that its a diversion from normal life. For a few hours you can just meet up with some mates and have a great time cheering on the local team and having a couple of cold ones. Risque songs is part of it. It brings humour.


This is the sort of PC rubbish we complain about on a regular basis. Where does it end...we all have to vote on whether each song is appropriate...man...ITS FOOTBALL!!! Its hardly like the kids dont understand the language anyway...hell, they pick it up at a football game when a bad decision is made by a ref. Shall we ban football fans from shouting something at the ref...where does it end?

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Where does it end...we all have to vote on whether each song is appropriate...



now theres an idea!!


I have no idea what the answer is, I like the we hate dover , let him die, the referees a ***** songs


w <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

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Mark everyone supports the choir, its a matter of whether the singing can spread to many more fans and how can it be done


Don't imagine anyone doesn't support or appreciate the choir. I re-read Gringos post and there is nothing there which puts the choir down, he was just saying the reason he has stopped singing

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The We hate Dover songs have been around for years, even when we had a bigger group of singers. Let him die is just tongue in cheek and Ive heard that song for a long time. Recent tragic events have made this song take on a different meaning and in the current climate it is perhaps unsavoury. The way forward is to compromise and cut out some of the rubbish but improve the support for the team. Otherwise we will get nowhere.

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Most people support the choir Andy but yet still don't contribute towards it. It's like MISA's events, many people claim support the club but hardly anyone supports the work that MISA do to raise money for the club. It is sickening to see people on here constantly moaning when they themselves are not will to contribute. Oh yeah by the way, I will sing what I want, where I want, when I want.

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