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Tonight's Programme for Sale


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My word, Laz!


Dirty deeds are definitely afoot. Our printers are beyond reproach, in a manner of speaking, so I can only assume that their delivery truck has been hijacked en route to t'Park and some international gang of criminal masterminds have nicked all the programmes for The Big match, in order to make a killing on e-bay.


I wonder who was driving the truck.

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Strictly between ourselves, Laz, are you suggesting that the two prime suspects are the printers and the Supporters Club Committee?


But one of those is above reproach, surely, having a marvellous, unblemished track record of support of The Mighty Saints over a period of many years, paragons of virtue, receiving regular thanks and praise in Gibbo's programme notes, etc. etc.


The Supporters Club Committee do their bit, too, I would have thought.


I would look further afield. I've never been entirely convinced of the bona fides of that chap what sells programmes at the York Road end, myself.

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I made certain enquiries last night and this stuff being sold on e-bay is nothing to do with the Supporters Club. The printers were busy with a run of "play" £50 notes, apparently, and it is absolutely, very definitely, nothing to do with them.


A graduate in criminology of my aquaintance provided an interesting insight into the law. On the assumption that this person is not an Official of the club, acting officially, the selling of a programme after the match, whether the programme was purchased or a complimentary copy obtained from the boardromm, say, is not a criminal offence. However, the selling of a programme before the game does suggest an "intent to deprive the rightful owner" and is likely to be considered by the proper authorities as theft.


A person who I trust implicitly told me that the seller of this Saints memorabilia, or in the case of yesterday evening's programme offered for sale before the match took place, 'pre-memorabilia' presumably, has also offered programmes for sale from one other non league club. It would not be appropriate to release details as my enquiries are continuing.


It's stuff like this that costs the club £60 per season. Stand by for a comment from Gibbo in the matchday programme.

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It may have been me, Laz. Quizzing, that is. Making certain discrete enquiries.


One of the programme sellers - the one with his eyebrows close together - had never heard of e-bay but he did offer me a box for a tenner. Handy for getting in to the ground for nothing but I have a season-ticket so I declined.


[For the avoidance of all doubt, the last senetence was intended by me as an example of my humour. He didn't really offer me a box of programmes for a tenner. It was what is known as a joke. Mind you. He looked as though he might have been tempted by £20. We could flood the e-bay market and put this tea-leaf out of business.]


The mystery continues, as you say, Laz. The photographing of the front cover of a matchday programme several hours before the things go on sale must limit the number of suspects, surely. Only a very few people would have the opportunity. The referee and linos are one. Well, four actually, but you know what I mean.

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I've just had another look at your link hand thingy, Laz. That's not a photograph of last nights programme as it says 'Saints go top as they blitz Harriers'. He/she has photographed an old programme and has described it as the Woking programme.


So this person adds fraudulent misrepresentation to his or her catalogue of crimes.


The photograph appears to be taken on a grassy background. Perhaps he or she is a greengrocer.

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EFM The Firm, The Voice said:
Maybe somebody with access to advance copies had gained or purchased one legit but then realised that a few miles up the road in a certain Bedfordshirian town another match was taking place that clashed and as he wouldn't be attending the match at the mighty saints decided to sell his copy!

It isn't who you are suggesting!
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'Ang on a minute. That photograph on the hand link thingy has been changed, by the seller, presumably, since yesterday. Yesterday, it was a photo of last night's programme. Now it's been changed. I wonder why?


Zealster. You're quite right about selling something that's not in one's possession. However, to take a photograph of the thing suggests that it is. In possession. Of the seller.




Oh, by the way, Zealster. Don't go there. They would throw away the key in your case, mate.

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