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What a way t behave ...

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I am not sure that I believe what Chelsea say. They probably had the a*se ( no pun intended !) because Gallas had had a run in with the manager & wanted to leave, so the special one did not want to lose face, so out come the corporate spin doctors ( as opposed to the Government ones !!).



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Chelsea lie shocker, wouldn't surprise me.


They had this in their press release "The issue was purely one of money, despite his public comments that he wanted a new challenge, to play abroad and so forth. These were just a smokescreen to cover up the fact he was hawking himself to the highest bidder."


I'm lost are they talking about Gallas or Cole?


So Chelsea are crying because a player is chasing the highest bidder, I see. The way Chelsea have acted over Cole is diabolical, to try and play the innocent now is a bit rich (excuse the pun). Why anyone would believe this, or if so feel sorry for Chelsea, is a little silly.


The comedy of the Chelsea press release continues with this little gem...


"Chelsea has a wage structure in place that is valued not only on the contribution of the player to the manager and the team, but also on a player’s respect for the club and contribution to the promotion and image of the club off the field. Every player is expected to play their part in this."


Ask Scott Parker and Claudio Renieri about the clubs respect towards them.

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Let alone Chelsea's supposed nabbing of 2 schoolkids from Leeds (although that may be exagerated by Ken Bates) which may cost them a fair sum under investigation by the FA (or whoever).


They certainly havent endeared themselves to anyone but their own fervent supporters over thelast couple of years and, as others say above, it wont be a total surrise if this story turns out to be another falsehood from them.

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Handbags Handbags Handbags apart from the money why would anybody want to play for Chelsea, when there are bigger and better clubs to play for like the fleet and the happy hammers.


If you believe the papers you will know that there is a potential takeover by a Medway car dealer at West Ham


No, not Scally, he sadly wants the fleet, keep wanting old son!!!!!!


Gallas was always destined for Arsenal as Chelsea wanted Cole. Its sad that they bitch like this


I think that they got a great ladies team


Up the hammers thats after the fleet of course

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