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To all "new" German language students

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northfleet nigel said:
Before coming on the forum and writing messages in German it might be a good idea to invest in a suitable German course. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I have not laughed liked this for ages - thanks to everyone for first class entertainment <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Bist Sie nehmend die Gesöff???
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Slartibartfast said:
Steady on fella, I spent every lunchtime in 1973 in detention because of my cr*p german if my old german teacher finds out I still can't hack it he will have me pushing the heavy roller over the cricket square while testing my vocab.

"Jeden vormittag um die gleiche stunde blah di blah di blah."

That wasn't Chris Madman Waller at Gravesend Grammar by any chance was it? Had the b*gger for French & never been so glad I chose Latin instead of German so I didn't get a double dose. Nifty cricketer, too, as well as an insane genius at languages (Waller that is, not me.)

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Unrecognized Genius said:
Slartibartfast said:
Steady on fella, I spent every lunchtime in 1973 in detention because of my cr*p german if my old german teacher finds out I still can't hack it he will have me pushing the heavy roller over the cricket square while testing my vocab.

"Jeden vormittag um die gleiche stunde blah di blah di blah."

That wasn't Chris Madman Waller at Gravesend Grammar by any chance was it? Had the b*gger for French & never been so glad I chose Latin instead of German so I didn't get a double dose. Nifty cricketer, too, as well as an insane genius at languages (Waller that is, not me.)


Certainly was and I still have the scars to prove it. I did pass my German 'O' level although that was through fear rather than any talent for languages.
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On the subject of past and present teachers at Gravesend Grammar, anyone else see Pilko and Simpson at the Alty game today?


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> What Ledgends <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

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Hopefully he'll still be as relaxed when I tell him I havent done the courswork over the holidays <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> !


Also I hate to inform all the GGS old boys that JJ retired at the end of the last school year.........



No more extra work for me <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


He will be sorely missed!

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Chatham Gary said:
I had him too, pychopath.
Used to hurl the board rubber at you full pelt.
I know more than one lad got it full on in the face!!

As a teacher now myself, I sometimes wonder how these "old school" guys would cope with today's generation of protective/aggressively-defensive parents. I once had some bloke insist on seeing me after his 16 year old daughter was re-admitted after an exclusion. She had stormed out of a classroom because the teacher had dared to ask her to get on with some work, gone on the rampage around the school, telling all staff who tried to re-direct her to f*ck off & that the school was sh*t. This had gone on for around twenty minutes. Her dad was unhappy with me, because I'd eeventually had enough & dared to raise my voice to her (which did at least get her to storm out the building & stop disrupting everybody else's lessons.)

I had to content myself with telling him that, unlike some places, we did accept a teacher's right to get angry with bad behaviour & that whilst we didn't encourage shouting at pupils we certainly didn't expect our staff to take cr*p meekly. And he could always find another school which would take his daughter's right to do as she pleased more responsibly.

Waller would have had no truck with such claptrap. He'd have just dropped the nut on the pillock (& probably got away with it.)

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