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bewareofrhodent wot do you think of him ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Folks - I'm just thinking how great it is to be BewareofRhodents free these days without the worry of the nutter spoiling things for us and stalking us in a sinister fashion. I was a little disappointed however not to receive a big thank you from people on here, such as Lato and Potters Bar Town, for my painstaking efforts in getting rid of him, sorry her, I gather getting someone banned is virtually unheard of so I have set a precedence! Anyway it's not too late to thank me, just think the idiot is probably reading this now without being able to do a thing about it!

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Rhodes, why should we thank you?

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Lato - Well surely that's a silly question, for getting rid of him, sorry her, of course.

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okay the person may have upset you I can see that and as such you have to take whatever steps you think necessary but why should WE thank you.

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Are you sure, Rhodes? Yes, I have had problems with getting Ian_W to ban someone, but there are plenty of others who have been banned - some temporarily and some permanently. There was a Leyton supporter called NickyNoc, for example, who used to cause a lot of grief on the Enfield Town forum but he has been banned for many months now.


Considering BewareofRhodents was only here because of you in the first place (although you still don't seem to realise that), I'm not sure why we need to be thankful that you've got rid of her. Yes, I'm grateful that she's gone, but why was she here in the first place?

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C'mon give credit where credit's due, we were all getting fed up to the back teeth with BewareofRhodents and he, sorry she was spoiling the Forum for everyone, it was only my persistence with Ian that got rid of her. I don't accept that she was only in here because of me, how do you work that one out, she was having a go at everyone including the lovely Paula who wouldn't hurt a fly.

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Er still not convinced I'm afraid, why on earth would someone have such a silly childish vandetta against me, it doesn't make sense unless someone from a little corner of North London, off White Hart Lane, held a grudge about me going onto bigger and better things.

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Rhodes said:
I don't accept that she was only in here because of me, how do you work that one out

Well, much as I would love to claim some detective work of Sherlock Holmes proportions, in reality there were two very simple and quite huge clues.

1) The name she used on here.
2) The subject matter of 99% of her posts.

Elementary, my dear Rhodes.
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Horace - What have you heard on the grapevine.

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Good point, shall we just drop it then although it would have still been nice to get a simple thank you for getting rid of her like something brought in from outside on your shoe.

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its another one of those Whoosh moments.

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Lato - I'd still like to know what that's supposed to mean, you have to admit I did you all a big favour for threatening to go to the police if Ian didn't ban BewareofRhodents and it worked, there was certainly a sinister undertone to the whole sorry episode despite her only sounding about five years old. Enjoy your visit to Coles Park on Tuesday as I won't be on here much for the next day or two, I hope you manage to get into the 'boardroom' for a cup of rosey lea.

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Rhodes said:
I won't be on here much for the next day or two

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/orange.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/mango.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/pineapple.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/strawberry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/yay.gif" alt="" />
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