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Today's Page 3


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Has anyone read today's Observer yet? If not, get one and read page 3.


It says that EFM have placed inflammatory messages on the Aldershot site. I think this subject has been discussed on here thoroughly, and to my knowledge, the messages were placed there by "a twelve year old kid", not an EFM member. No doubt there will be something in the programme suggesting the same.


I wonder how Aldershot fans will take this. I guess we'll find out on Saturday. Hopefully, they'll have more sense than the "kid-for-a-quid" that wrote the original message and the club for making such a statement.

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Hi Laz. I bought the Observer on the way to work. Unfortunately they use the word "allegations", so presumably they are treading carefully on this one!


Bloody hell though. For a business man, Gibbo's not really using his brains. Alienating the club's most vocal set of fans is not the way to win favour really. <img src="/forums/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


Mind you - good to see our name up in lights!! <img src="/forums/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />



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I heard, and it's only a rumour, that Peter Lewis is prepared to invade the pitch, [or more accurately encroach upon the playing surface, as one person and 'invade' hardly sit well together] in the last minute or so of a game but only if, firstly the team are not performing, and secondly, on the basis that he gets his £8 back when he gets ejected. Mind you, I suppose that if money is refunded, most of the crowd would have invaded the pitch in a couple of recent games.


Anyway. he is an Honorary Member of EFM and in good company, too. He's no wannabe.


It's going to be good on Saturday. I've got a feeling. A win for Cookie.



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Intresting to also note that the extra officers are "routine" due to the large following of Aldershot, so this 12yr old non-EFM member hasn't actually cost the club any money just negative publicity in the papers, on the web (it was also in the NLP on the web), publicity sent out by the club.


Own Goal anyone?

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I have just spoken to someone who reckons that the article is still libellous, despite use of the word "allegation". Maybe we could sue? Well, at least get an apology.


Also, anyone who wishes to email the writer of that piece (which I intend to do so - maybe I could get a full interview in next week's Observer!!) can do so at the following address. sprice@london.newsquest.co.uk

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Hi, new to the board etc. I doubt the article is libellous but i'm sure the paper would be keen to talk to a member of EFM to get your side of the story across. If anything it might help deconstruct some of the falsehoods that have sprung up about efm. I for one have heard of it but don't know much about it.

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