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So it's almost here, at last, the new season, season 2006/2007, yet another for our, let's face it, little club in with some so called bigger boys in the conference.


LD seems to have made some decent signings for the upcoming season, a few positions need to be covered but we'll get there.


Let's get behind the club right from the off, starting with the away game at Aldershot then the two home games against Tamworth and York.


The club needs our support right from the start, let's give it. Let's tell our families and friends to come along, let's put everything to one side for the moment, so what if they don't serve pies in the food stall, so what if we haven't got a shirt sponsor, let's hope we get one soon but in the meantime. So the tea hut guys moan according to the guys standing by the half way line and vice versa, so what. So we haven't got a new ground yet, we're working on it, so we're not too enamoured by the tune the team run out to, so what, Let's put everything negative to one side for the next couple of weeks and get behind our club. What's important is that football is back and the long football less days of summer are over.



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Lennie Macfartney said:
A fine little speech in the vein of Henry V addressing his small but talented squad as the sun rose at Agincourt.
Lennie Mac

I take it you are refering to Shakespears version of Henrys speech which unsurprisingly was subject to a little 'poetic license'.

What Henry actually said was:

"They are just a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys, lets do the f*ck*rs."

God bless him.
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Slartibartfast said:
Lennie Macfartney said:
A fine little speech in the vein of Henry V addressing his small but talented squad as the sun rose at Agincourt.
Lennie Mac

I take it you are refering to Shakespears version of Henrys speech which unsurprisingly was subject to a little 'poetic license'.

What Henry actually said was:

"They are just a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys, lets do the f*ck*rs."

God bless him.

Indeed, Slarti you are absolutely right. These were in fact Henry's closing words of encouragement. Most scholars are agreed that the following is the most accurate re-structuring of that momentous St Crispin's Day morning:

{Scholarly notes:
1. Although the English nationalists won't like it, it's a well established fact that without the presence of Welsh archers & infantry the battle would never have been won.
2. Henry's army had been suffering from dysentery for some time. It was so severe that many of his foot soldiers were forced to take to the field without their breeches, which were too soiled to be worn.}

Anyway, here's the transcript:

Henry: Right lads, we'll have no problems. When those French namby pambies see the Welsh boys charging at them with no breeches on, they'll think all the rumours they've heard about them are true & they'll leg it, pronto.

Private Smith: Sorry your majesty, but I don't follow.

Henry: I am referring to the belief that our Welsh brothers will f*ck the living daylights out of anything that breathes.

Private Llewellyn: Begging pardon, majesty, but we Welsh sh*g sheep, not Frenchmen.

Henry: I am aware of that, I was prince of Wales before taking on my present position, you know, & spent many a happy evening .... Ahem, but to get to the point, these Fenchies are convinced you're a bunch of mad b*ggers - literally.

Corporal Jones: Trouble is, I've heard these French are all screaming nancy boys - chances are they'll turn their backs but they won't be running.

Henry: Well then, you moron, just use your steely spear & not the fleshy variety expected by Johnny Frenchman.

Corporal Jones: Begging pardon, your majesty, but I'm a Jones, not a Morgan ...

Henry: God, give me strength! Look, as my mate Slarti says, they are just a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys, lets do the f*ck*rs. God for England, Harry & St George!


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