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Robbo shown the door


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People have been moaning about recent performances and saying that things need to change.

Now that things have changed a lot of people are already complaining about it.

I reckon, we can only really comment after a couple of months of cooky doing the job on his own. Then we'll have some reasons for whether its a good thing or a bad thing.

How many people actually know the ins and outs of what happens day to day at the club. For the moment, I'm going to presume that there's a good reason for this, and judge whether it was a good decision some time next year.

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I must say, Im gutted and shocked by this news. I find it very strange that the duo have been split like this. The reasons behind it seem confused and its hard to believe that Robbo would be asked to leave on such strange terms and at such a vital time in the season. <img src="/forums/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/icons/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


If the reason is because it is hard having two managers at once then surely bringing in Steve Castle to help is basically doing the same thing?! Althought I do wish him luck in coaching us.


You would have thought that if there were disagreements then they could have sat and talked like adults and come to some agreement. I know we are (were) the only club in the league to have a joint managment scheme, but it worked so well for so long time. Remember how they both stayed at the club in the 'rough patch' at the end of last year? They were united and that has been split again. I really hope this doesnt mean another downfall for the club.


Best of luck to Robbo in whatever he does and maybe we'll see him around sometime.


Good luck to the 2 Steve's. Make Saturday a new start and keep our season alive!


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif" alt="" />

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i take it everyone has met both gibbo &robbo, well john gibson is the biggest twat i've ever met no personality at all & he hasn't got a clue what he is doing.i think he only purchased the club for publicity reasons.& he always blames everyone else when things go wrong.he complains about paying for police presence at the aldershot,but then starts talking about building a new stadium.Hang on something dodgies going on.

on the other hand robbo is a very nice guy & him &cooky were doing so well why break it up?i agree with laz robbo & gibbo had an argument.

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