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Tonight's game

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Quecerasaha said:
Christ, this forum doesn't get any better does it? back stabbing, sarcasm, argueing after the most petty of things.

After the post from Jimmy, I rest my case.....what a pillock!

Not everyone can get to away games regularly,particularly for friendlies. As it was the first home game of the season...how the hell are you supposed to tell each player apart when its the first time that they have played at home...without even the luxury having names on the back of their shirts...hence the programme should have had some resemblance of being correct!
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Quecerasaha said:how the hell are you supposed to tell each player apart when its the first time that they have played at home

Aaargh! Hence the correct announcement of the team and subs over the tannoy, as has been pointed out on several occasions.

It's unrealistic to expect the programme (which, remember, isn't produced on the day) to get the team exactly correct. Equally, it's difficult for the programme to get shirt numbers correct when the 1-11 scheme is being used rather than squad numbers. Hence the benefits of listening to the line-ups on the tannoy. Once this has been done, it doesn't matter whether you recognize the players facially or not - the numbers will help you identify them.

BustaGut said:If your going to whinge and pick a fight get your facts right.

The irony of this, given your apparent inability to differentiate between the team written in the programme and the one announced over the tannoy, is surely not lost on anyone.
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Stopped moaning yet Gary?


What Bustagut still appears unable to understand - despite numerous attempts to explain - is that the team was read out in full with correct numbers and everything before the game.


It's not worth trying to explain it any more - it's like putting a square peg in a round hole.

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Perhaps I have totally missed the point.


I honestly thought the difference of opinion started because Busta said the announcer said Mott was playing. Several people, have stated he did not and Busta has got it wrong.


Since he was asking for a simple sorry when he took the high morale ground, now that it has been proved several times over he was wrong can we all expect a sorry from him.



Having only been to the Eastbourne game prior to Weds I like so many others was struggling to recognise players, but with the aid of the programme and the announcements and also having heard that Long was injured myself and others managed to sort out who was who. The Mott discussion did not enter our conversation as having seen him last year( he was on the bench for us after all) we realised straight away that he was not in goal even when they were warming up prior to any announcements.


Is it so terrible to be proved wrong that a load of abuse starts being hurled about at just about anyone who had the cheek to give their point of view, this then seems to wake others up with old scores to settle and away we go.

It seems just about everyone from the announcer, programme editor to the club web people have been blasted this time and for someone else to whinge because some fans have the shear cheek to attend away games, well I think that takes the biscuit.


But a welcome comment from Riverview, yes I also thought the game was a good advert for what hopefully is to come this season, lets just hope this thread is not.

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