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Mr J Jarvis


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To Be honest, I was very pessimistic(?) about the coming Season. Hodgie going, and lets be fair, His goals kept us up, then people like Josie and chopper going. I know we were not great, but no replacements have been forthcoming, although names have been bandied around. One name I did not want to hear was Jarvis! I have heard people say he is a half decent player. That he may be, but do you want THAT personality around the place?!

A lot of children come to watch Slough, and if that is the role model the kids will see.........................?


People forget the way they were reacting to Woody's sending off last season?!?!?!!? What do they expect to get from Jarvis!


I admit that I will still be going, but I will still be going to watch The Rebels even if it is many leagues down, they are my home town club, in my blood.


BUT If i were in Gary and Emma's shoes I am sure my feelings would be different.I am not going to get in a slagging match with any one who decides to go or not, that is their choice. I for one think it would be a shame to loose these two VERY good and much liked supporters. I really hope the powers that be take note and do not take Jarvis on!


So Gary, count me in if you want a weekly donation of money for wages, I'd rather do that than see you and Emma go

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Spot on the Plinth.


I am not going to stop going if Jarvis signs because I am not prepared to let him drive me out of my club. But I would be very sorry to see Emma and Gary go.

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It's a fair point but the club does only amount to two blokes who both have lives and businesses away from the club. We have no great infrastructure and some failings I am prepared to put up with but that does not mean I will not continue to ask for a better flow of information.

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At the end of the day Jarvis is no better then a sunday morning pub player, that is the depths of how low we have become, i agree with Gary & Emma and if he starts for us next season i will also stay away. As for the playing budget you must be having a laugh asking the supporters to put there hands in there pockets for that thug. This club is becoming a shambles yet again.

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Shambles again...to be fair we have been bumbling along for the past 8 seasons..but until we can raise funds and raise enough cash to move to take on the club then we have to try and make the best of it...

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We have had it confirmed from several sources that he has been training with the squad and he was said to be keen to sign.

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In an ideal world to ease my feelings about Jarvis signing for Slough, I would like to have some sort of fans conference with Eddie, Roy and Jarvis present, where Jarvis can apologise for what he has done, give us/myself reassurance that an incident like what I encountered will NEVER happen again whilst he is in a slough town shirt. Also some sort of reasoning from Eddie and Roy why they want him to play for Slough.


One of the main problems I have, is that watching Slough has always been in an environment where I have felt happy and relaxed, to add Jarvis to the mix, is adding a time bomb that you know will go off, which will make me feel ill at ease and uncomfortable. Which is only something that can pass in time and if he can prove himself to the fans.

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Liam's got a point getting information out of the club is like getting blood out of a stone at times and becomes very difficult! Don't get me wrong the management at the club are top people, but it does get frustrating that we don't get any news.


I think one of the reasons why this may is down to the Steve Browne/Graham Roberts era. When I was running the website when they were in charge I was told a lot, which i'd then put on the site only for it not to be true. A couple of examples being when I was told we had signed Garry Cross (he eventually did sign!) and we had not and Dave Timothy being released when he was not. I think this annoyed Roy a bit that 'false' information was being posted on the site and has since been wary about giving too much information out and posting it on the official site.


As for the players and who 'has and who has not signed' well after the Telemaque situation the club probably don't want to mention any names as other teams can tempt them away as Staines did!!!


With regards the Jarvis situation yes the club probably should say something, but on the other side of things I know Gary's been in touch with Roy and he fully knows how Emma and Gary feel.


Also if he does sign next season and there turns out to be a bit of bother on the pitch it's hardly a plus point with regards to returnig to the Borough. The people in Slough won't want them kind of situations in Slough and it won't put the club in a good light if that kind of story is printed on the back of the local press!

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Emma....thanks for that..I am sure Roy will sort that for you..its the least you deserve...and thanks for showing your willing to meet half way...its over to Roy and the rest of the club to sort...


chris sliski personally...


Gary please call and tell roy...his is deperate for some good news..

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Surely everyone is due a second chance. I'm sure everyone has done or said things in their lifetime they regret as soon as it has happened. I'm sure Jarvo would be man enough to apologise to the lady concerned given half the chance, because as has been previously mentioned, off the field he is one of the nicest blokes you could meet.


Understandably some have reason to be upset by this situation, and not being there it is impossible to comment. But for others to gang up on somebody on a public website is a little bit cowardly in my opinion.


Give the man a chance and if he proves you right then you can all say i told you so, but until then i think you may be pleasantly surprised.


Eddie is no fool. He knows football.

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This thread is becoming famous not only highlighted on various non league forums, but just went to the Windsor V's Harrow Match at Eton Wick (5 mins down the road) and overhead a lot of people talking about it!


If anyone is interested Windsor lost 1-0 and yes Slough legend Ricky Browne still plays for Harrow!

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As i said, i wasnt there so i dont know. I'm sure what was said was unjust and i imagine regrettable, but i'm also sure the situation as a whole wasnt unprovoked!!


He has a reputation on the pitch and a completely different one off of it?

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