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Mr J Jarvis


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Fair enough I suppose. I was unaware of the verbal incident and thus unaware of the reasons as to why you obviously don't want him at this club.


But what I don't understand is how not supporting the club is going to help matters. The club will still sruggle on regardless until it has so little money left that it cannot support itself and folds which (and lets face it) is the way its going now.


Lets not throw away years of hard work and effort of trying to keep the club alive.

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because this club should have folded years ago, because at least then it can be brought back with a sensible budget and people in charge who give a crap about its customers? I mean, how many official statements about anything club related have we been given in the last five years? Jarvis' signing will prove just how out-of-touch the ownership is with the people who are meant to be keeping the club going, and also how much contempt they have for us.

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Nathan, both Emma and I have season tickets. The cheques are dated mid-June, but are still waiting to be cashed. I am about £750 down of my own money from filming & producing the matchday and season review DVD's. So I'm a bit in credit in terms of financially supporting the club. As I'm sure you're very much aware, it takes a lot of time to run a website as well, not to mention compiling footage for video highlights clips to help our website be one of the best around despite the lack of news from the club.


Three years of decreasing support, nobody seems keen to distribute fixture posters on a regular basis, (although this was discussed at the poorly attended Trust AGM). The money's not running out, but it is, as it has been for the past eight years, dependant on one person putting the money in. If he decides to stop, with 300 or so supporters, we've got a problem regardless of whether Emma and I are there or not.


I have to say, I'm actually swinging round to Liam's way of thinking. Whilst I believe criticism should always be constructive and a solution provided, it seems lessons are not being learnt and we continue to bumble along and not able to formulate a long term plan.

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I would also point out that you might see more of Tony at our home games, i would chip in to your fund Gary as i would not want him here,or you and Emma to go.



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From the games I have seen Jarvis play in it is clear he is a lose cannon. He may be the nicest guy in the world off the pitch but that’s not the point. Next season is not going to be easy, we need all our players pulling together and supporting each other, in my opinion Jarvis will be a risk the club cannot afford to take.


Since Eddie took over he has created a lively, fun and positive atmosphere in the dressing room, I'm not convinced Jarvis will bring anything extra to the club that we can’t find somewhere else.


If he plays on Saturday I'll give the player a chance but I'm not impressed.

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Jarvis is in his thirties and still has not learned to control himself on the pitch, he has no pace and would not add anything to our team - in my opinion. Add to that his relationship with our supporters and the signing seems daft. What was said to Emma was unacceptable and I would be extremely disappointed if in the light of all this we still went ahead and signed him regardless of how much he wants to play for the club or how little he wants to be paid.


I would urge Eddie to reconsider and look elsewhere. Do we really want to be picking up the dregs of a relegated team in any event?

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Gary, Emma, sorry when I posted earlier about Eddie knowing Jarvis's reputation and must think he will be ok, I also like Nathan didnt know about his verbal attack on Emma if I had of I certainly wouldnt of said what I did.


Gary, Slough Jet supporter's pay the wages of their top player I believe, might be something worth looking into. Mind you they do get bigger crowds than us which must help



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Being an old hampton fan i can say that he turned up with a bad rep, but he is one of the nicest blokes.... a pleasure to be around!!!! don't judge on rep......... a front is at the end of the day...... a front

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He is not being judged on reputation. He is being judged by his actions on the football field which in the past have been way below the line of acceptability and in terms of what he said to Emma, completely abhorrent and inexcusable

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Give the poor bloke a chance... He's always being knocked by people like yourself... Then proving them wrong you wait and see... He'd be in my team all day long just ask the all the lads he's played and trained with.


Jarvo's Friend

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One of the people on this thread has trained with him and doesn't want him at the club, so I don't think you've proven anything with that.


If he's that desperate to play for us, he can either play for nothing, or donate his wages to the trust for a few weeks. See how committed he is then.

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If he did sign for us, he'd miss the opening game of the season because SURPRISE SURPRISE, he is suspended! Normally I would be pleased at the club looking to recruit local players but there is just way too much history.


Jarvo's mate (or Jarvo as you may also be called) if he signs then he does so knowing that the supporters will not be happy about it. He would have to play out of his skin and keep his head down so as not to keep getting booked to get the tide of opposition to die down. The problem is I just can't see that happening. Fans at other clubs know he has a suspect temperament too and is likely to do silly things if you keep chipping away at him. Opposition players will know this too. Bad karma follows you around and in Jarvo's case it stinks.


Despite being a detractor, I will come to watch Slough play regardless of Jarvis, but I will not be happy about the situation. Even if Eddie thinks differently we all know there would be a ticking timebomb in defence ready to explode and when it does there will be a lot of people waiting in line to say I told you so

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I agree with K.T.

I'm not going to let him spoil watching my team. I'll support the team as a whole, not for him. If he scores, then yippedy-doo-dah..but I'll not celebrate the same way. If he playes a blinder then...well to be honest I want to see that every game, but I wont get excited about it.


I know some of you guys above aren't happy (especially Gary & Emma), but I hope you'll all be there. Please don't stop because of just one person. It's all going downhill enough without you guys staying away!

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All welcome at the Gore lads and lasses <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> just don't bring Jarvo! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

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I also have to agree with K.T. and wayne, and nathan too, im not letting the signing of one player stop me from going to watch the games. i appreciate jarvis' record, but at this time we need all the players we can get. it would be better to have a player in who is not liked rather than have no player in, we all know about our lacking in certain positions over the last couple of years.

as wayne said i wont celebrate as much if he was to score, but if he gets sent off he will hear about it from everyone, he will either attempt to sort it (if hes THAT desperate to play for us) or he will leave.

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