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At Last It's Over - The World Cup, That Is...

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What a p*ss poor competition the World Cup has become. Italy, who, in my opinion were average, are now crowned the best team in the world. It's a joke from the officials, through to the "performances" on the pitch, right down to the baggage the players carry around with them (yep, £1,000 a night each WAG claimed off the FA for hotel expenses - money that surely would've served the grass roots or at least youth development a lot better. It's not as if, their players don't earn enough to pay for it themselves). To say that this was a good World Cup is to pamper to the hype that FIFA and the national governing bodies dirty their hands with!!!


At International level, the beautiful game has become a sullied, poor relation of it's former self, where sportsmanship is a dirty word. I only hope that we and our Non League rivals can show in the coming season that football can be played at a competitive level, enjoyed by all in the proper spirit of the sport. Rilvaries are to be enjoyed but not to the extent of destroying the spirit of the game.


One thing I will say. The officials last night actually worked as a team to come to the right decision over the Zidane sending off. What a shame they did so late in the tournament.


Rant over (one that has been straining at the leash for a couple of weeks). I'm looking forward to welcoming and being welcomed by all our rivals next season, to see all our teams battle it out for our championship and promotion. I hope that each team puts in a performance worthy of their club and of the game.


See ya all in 6 weeks time.


Opinions please....

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The Town Crier said:

Smart move Gazz. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Todays top international Teams have a greater fear of losing than a desire to win.

Resulting in some very boring games.

I think you're right TC but surely if you believe in yourself as a player and a team and then you can win it, surely you would "set the stall" to do so. Shame that some teams don't have that mentality because it would make the International game a lot more exciting not to mention set an example.

Then again, with the poor standard of officials and the style of trying to win by all means, fair or foul, this negative mentality has certainly made the competition a "lost" opportunity.

Bub - of course. We endeavour to welcome all opposition supporters, as I'm sure you at CCFC do as well. Banter aside, I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Gazza - did you actually WATCH much of the World Cup ? I thought you never looked at pro-soccer on the gogglebox !!! You are of course totally right - I saw at least the highlights of EVERY game - it was the most yawnsome tournament I can remember from start to finish with just a handful of brief moments shining out like beacons above the dross. Maxi Rodriguez stunning chest n volley v Mexico, the Argies total destruction of S & M and Italy's stunning extra-time finale v Germany are all that spring to mind. Of course who will forget (or let him forget!) Graham Polls "three yellows" , the incredible ill-discipline of Portugal v Holland or the "bad losers" scrap at the end of Germany v Argentina ?

But these are negatives, alas and just serve to remind us how lucky we are to follow Non-League football which may not be perfect sometimes but is a damn sight more real and honest than most of what we've just been served up on TV this month.

I have vowed NOT to watch any DVDs, Videos or Sky Sports nostalgia between now and August to give myself a chance to "refresh" before the return of the truly beautiful game on August 19th !

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I saw more of it than I am happy to say. Picked a couple of games that looked as if they could be classics and the turned out to be the opposite and saw quite a lot on high lights. The boring quality of the tournament was only one point. The other being the behaviour of some players and the acceptance by leaniant or non existant punishment of behaviour by the so called governing body FIFA. Then again, I suppose, banning and fineing players who earn such vast amounts of money it's ridiculous, is a pointless excersise...


As a cynic of these modern large tournaments, it's my opinion that the World Cup to be corrupt from the organising body to the lowest official. It certainly doesn't deserve the hysterical hype that it gets...

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The Town Crier said:

I think if there was a rule change to award points per goal and not result it would make the competition far more spectacular.

No goals = no points
3 goals = 3 points.

And the cheats...red card em

that's why you never won anything... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />what do you intend for being spectacular?seeing an outstanding defender like cannavaro showing everybody that defending is an art,or seeing players like zambrotta,gattuso,grosso,pirlo,perrotta, going an extra yard to help his mates.do you think that watching a game where two inept defences give 4 goals away is entertainment?i don't think so <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />watching a game where
the result keep you in suspense till the last seconds of extra-time and where there are 11 players fighting like lyons and playing attacking football as well,that's entertainment!i see where you're coming from...having a national side that plays in such a negative way,managed by a swedish coach and going out of the tournament must hurt.you should be used to it... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />go back to your manager and remind him that to build up great winning sides you should start from the back and not following ruud gullit sexy football... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/pipe.gif" alt="" />
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The Town Crier said:

wake me up when he's finished agreeing with me

i watched italy-germany again..that's a real game <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />another 3 weeks and i'll be forced to watch man utd,boring chelsea,titty scoring for the arseholes.. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />luckily i have got my tottenham playing sexy football and non-league teams showing me what football is all about... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/alk.gif" alt="" />shame i haven't seen many head buttings so far.. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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You’re forced to watch man utd and Chelsea?,

I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone, not even a clelmsford fan, ( calm down Ellie, its only a joke).


Too much of the mancs and hoorays and you would end up seeking help on the Jeremy Kyle show.



Hang in there coach; sanity’s on its way, only a matter of weeks before you can watch non-league and head buts <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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The Town Crier said:
only a matter of weeks before you can watch non-league and head buts <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Well let's hope Warren Ryan didn't get any tips from watching Zidane and disappoints "coach" should he pitch up at New Lodge this season...
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