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Slithery silliness

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Nice little article about the movie in this week's Guardian Guide particularly the internet crazy that has ensured it will be masssively profitable (sadly Liam did not get personally namechecked). Already talks of a sequel....

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and this is from the blog of one of my favourite writers:


first a word about the trailer the world has been waiting for: SNAKES ON A PLANE. To show what word-of-mouth and internet geek advertising is doing for this movie, when that title hit the screen there was the first audible cheer for a trailer that I can remember in a long time. This movie is going to make MAD cash.

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I dunno, could be some sort of political drama. Anyway, apparently they ran the official trailer before XMen 3 in some parts of North America, which leads me to believe that we may not get it before September as they usually have trailers up for movies that are to be released two months in the future. So we may have to wait a little while longer

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

a long (28 minutes) clip from the comic con in San Diego. my advice is to skip the first 10 minutes or so unless you want to see a 20 ft long anaconda and various other legless bastards. But run the clip from 10 minutes, hear Samuel L. Jackson's immortal line and then listen to his interview:




(there is some seriously bad language in the clip, you have been warned)

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Liam, now I know what this is all about, went to see Pirates of the Caribbean last night and they showed a trailer of this film. Oh my god I have never seen so many snakes in one go and that was just in a trailer. Not for me I'm afraid. Yuk




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