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There Are, Indeed, More Quesitons Than Answers


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Hmmm... it has been a busy day, and, for once, there is much to discuss. Take a deep breath, and I'll go through them one by one:<p>1. Game on at Clarence Park, this Saturday, eh? Hendon v Cambridge City - I can hardly wait. They're using Clarence Park, which is, under terms of the lease, ours. Are we getting paid for renting our ground to Hendon? Are we getting a share of the gate receipts? You see... I'll go and watch on Saturday if my hard-earned is going to City. If not, I'll turn up five minutes from time and drink my stupid in the bar instead. So far as I can see, just because we're in trouble financially, I don't see how we're precluded from making any money from anything whatsoever. <p>2. Supporters Meeting next Thursday? I'll be there. You'll have to guess who I am - the beard will have gone by then (I promised the other half, who is less than happy about kissing me now that I'm bordering on "Yeti"). What I think will happen is this: I think we'll actually get to see exactly how little has happened over the last three months. I think we'll see a pointless argument between the supporters club and Lee Harding (or his representative). But: prepare to be surprised - I'm ready strike. I'm often a little coy about my opinions, but I'll be looking for answers and making suggestions. Might I suggest now that it might not be such a good thing to waste three-quarters of the meeting dwelling on the past? If it was up to me, I'd start the meeting by saying "No mention of anything that happened before Harding offered to resign". That should stop it from turning into a slagging match. I don't want to know who did what to who and where. I want figures, details of past and current bids for the club, and a constructive plan for what we (or I, even) can do for the club.<p>3. A takeover bid. Interesting news. What we need to know is what our options are. Can we fight a battle to keep the club in the Premier division, or is this not going to happen? I'd prefer to be watching the old St Albans City in the Ryman League Division 2 next season and fighting to go up straight away than watching a Hillingdon Borough copy playing on park pitches across the Three Counties region. Let us see what the options are, and get a constructive vision of our future. <p>Well... that'll do me for now. Tea time (cat & bigarette butt toasted sandwich tonight, if anybody was wondering).

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Hi Trev.<p>Hmmn.<p>I don't imagine that Lee Harding, or any official representative of his, will attend. A 'slanging match is unlikely, therefore.<p>[You] "...want figures, details of past and current bids for the club, and a constructive plan for what we can do for the club."<p>Now that's not straightforward. The detail, or indeed outline, of any bid made will be known only to Lee Harding and the person who made it. I can't believe that the President or the Chairman of the Supporters Club were present. We know how much credibility to give to any official statement from the bunker at Brimsdown Rovers.<p>The company has been offered for sale for £1 for months. There are, presumably, good reasons why no-one has paid that small sum to the majority shareholder before now. Perhaps those interested have taken professional advice. <p>So. A constructive plan? Something will emerge, no doubt, but a range of ideas for careful thought rather than a 'solution', probably. Mind you. Ideas for careful thought is constructive. I think we should be prepared to leave the meeting more frustrated than when we arrive.<p>Good to talk, though.

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