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PREDICTION LEAGUE UPDATE - Games upto & incl. 22/4/06.


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With just one round of fixtures to go, BFR has hit top spot in the prediction league for the first time taking a slender lead over Dom and Russ.


There's still plenty to play for however as even in the final week of the season, 13 teams can change places from where they currently stand. This means almost anybody in the top ten or twelve places could come through to win!


BFR 74

Dominic 76

Russ 76

Andrew (2) 78

Marcus 79

Chris B. 80

Matt W. 82

Ted 82

Andrew 82

Reading Rebel 82

Grandad 84

Martin 84

Warren 86

Aidan 90

Budman 90

Charlie 92

Nathan 92

Gary 92

Chris S 94

Richie Rebel 94

Roger Rebel 94

Matt C. 96

Graham 96

Sue 96

Ian 96

Paul 96

The Plinth 96

Derek F 100

Keith (H&R) 100

Rebecca 100

Richard W. 100

Kay 104

Horsham R 106

Radders 110

Simon (Tummies) 112

Grimlock 114

Kevin M 116

Tari (Tummies) 122

Roy M 122

Karen H. 134

Nicky (Tummies) 134

Stephen (Tummies) 134

Roy H. 140

Swedish Rebel 140

Tom 142

Tim H. 152

Steve H. 154

Alex (Tummies) 164

Anu (Tummies) 180

Emma 182

Claude (Tummies) 188

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