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Essex Chronicle

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Some interesting comments from George Borg about city fans in this weeks edition.


Made Sean so angry he had to log off to calm down <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

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<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" />

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I read the essex chronicle each week, and my impartial opinion is, they now get a lot more column inches since the move to MP.

Also (I'll just put me ard at on) I find the coverage a lot fairer than it used to be.


The Chronicle used to slaughter mose and the team week in week out. Now its more balanced.


The CCFc fans seem to totally ignore the positive stuff and focus entirely on the negative.


I have not yet read the Borg article, but from what I've just seen on the soap box I can see a great opportunity for CCFC to exploit.


I just don't understand their negativity. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

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TC I belive this says it perfectly;


Not great news this one as apart from another highly negative back page, I think that's that 8 in the last 10 weeks, the paper decided to report the matter to the Essex FA and get their comment.


Paul Hopkins has said previously that the EC have set us back 2 years in building good links with the local community/ business community and I guess this is another nail in the coffin.


I'm sure you would be just as upset TC as people considering coming back to watch CCFC will read this drivel and might not wish to come.


They have only listened to Borgs view and printed negative claptrap, its got to be the worst journalisim ever. Why listen to Saint Borg and why so negative. I mean swearing happens at every game so something is up for them to print these headlines.

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Can only assume there is some deep seated resentment from days gone by (no doubt sean/bub/elliott) will fill us in. One thing is for sure though, you cannot take on the media. Writing letters may, make one feel better but the press will tighten any anti paper feeling and turn it round in their own writings, which like it or not reach out to a far larger audience.

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Spot on Keith which makes it so annoying when they post such rubbish as we can't respond to a large audience like them.


They basically have a hate on coz we used to post how inaccurate their reporting was at matches which it was and then one of the reporters had a field day post fight against Braintree saying football is watched and played by hooligans.

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Can't see how the EC can effect the relationship between club and community...Most people will go and support their local club whatever.


I mean, whatever gets printed about Billericay FC, comes from the supporters or the club mostly...the bad stuff, i.e. The Yellow Advertiser, is usually so biased (when they remember we exist), it's laughable.


There has been enough printed from "that game" on both sides for people to either read between the lines and make their own minds up or ignore.

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Gazza where you say most people will go and support their local club the circumstances are a bit different.


Your support has been established for years while we are trying to encourage people to MP who wouldnt have gone to New Lodge for whatever reasons.


I agree they shouldnt tailor match reports to make us look like Barcelona but they should be trying to put positive spin on any story.


For example last week rather than highlight the fact of new investment (possibly from JK) and new exciting times for the club they gave us "Edwards faces the sack"


This week we get a one sided story from George (ive never sworn or wound up fans) Borg. If it isnt biased against us then its just lazy journalism.

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Chelmsford are lucky, they really do get a lot of column inches every week. As Ryan said, our coverage is poor, so we don't have a lot to work with, unlike Chelmsford.




BUB, your post, imo, proves my point, ccfc ony see the negative. Try cutting down a few trees, it may look very different.


I understand your resentment when you see the negative. But, why do you assume the reader will read one article and not another, and if your right, and they, the reader, chose to selectively read ccfc articles, it could just as easily be the positive ones and not the others.


Keith's right, the more you take them on, the worse it will get.



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I agree TC. Any article in a local newspaper, be it positive/negative is free publicity and keeps you in the public eye. How many extra fans turned up to see a potential 2Battle of Essex 2" at MP on Easter Monday as a result of the coverage the ESC match generated in the local press. Quite a few I'd imagine. I'm sensing an element of bunker mentality creeping in amongst some Chelmo fans and there is no need for it.

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Don't see what the fuss is all about, Chelmsford average a four figure crowd every game. If the cronicle has a vendetta its obviously not working.


As said previously at least CCFC make the news. Its the same this side of the water, the South London Press devote two pages to AFC Wimbledon on a weekly basis. Dave Anderson's view gets half a page and then we get;


In other news Fisher beat Staines 2-1...errr thats it.


So I know how you feel...

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