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Hornchurch 1 Barton Rovers 1


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A frustrating afternoon for us today. We started brightly but then came some pressure from the visitors and they were thwarted by good defending and, on one occasion, the post. We took the lead in the 38th minute through Andrew Martin who chested down a pin-point Steve Jones cross and slotted home from 6 yards unchallenged. Martin came close to making it 2-0 when he was put clear but saw his shot turned round the post by keeper Brad Gillham.


Chances went begging for both sides in the second half but Barton equalised with 7 minutes to go when Drew Roberts scored with a measured effort from 25 yards. A chance to take all 3 points came our way in injury time when Craig Cripps got to the byeline and sent in a low cross for Steve Jones who stretched but couldn't quite reach the ball to touch it in.


Line-up:- Wood, McGowan (Cripps 45), Bates, Gooding, Jopson, Marsden, Locke, Fox, Jones, Martin, Benstock (Cowley 73). Subs not used:- McDonald, Collier (GK).

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yeah, right robbie, we were good in the first half and [****!!****] in the second, they got their point, which is what they came for....oh really..... what did we think, they were coming to win..yeah...ok...crap tactics, crap game plan and crap goalie today....static...that's the truth...everyone blaming everyone else...... but the managers responsible for the game plan and there wasn't one. end of.......keep kidding yourselves boys and you'll end up in the foresters that's for sure....keep playing like that and you'll be playing in front of 20 people....boring...boring...boring..is that it then.....best we can do.....small consolation....the camels got shafted...gonna rely on other results are we...... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/let_it_all_out.gif" alt="" />

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I have been on the non league circuit for 30years plus in official and non official capacities, and I have NEVER come across a more unfreindly club as Hornchurch. To arrive at your club and be met by security guards at every turn, to be told that my daughter who is 11 and very proud of the fact that she is probably the youngest member of a football committee anywhere can't come into the clubhouse or board room is VERY unwelcoming. This is meant to be a family game. Remember the future of our game is going to be in the hands of the next generation, we MUST encourage them or our game will soon die from the roots up. You should be ashamed of your policies and modify them before you upset another child, and another club. On another note you probably saw the goal of the season from Drew Roberts today..enjoy it.

Chris Sterry

Barton Rovers commitee

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Thank you for your comments, you seem to have forgotten one thing...... respect for our rules.......... you knew that under 18's were illegible for entry into our club, you said so yourself...... you received a letter from our club and its also printed on the back of the complimentary passes that you used to gain entry into our ground...which future type of non league person are we discussing here,,, the ones that have spent all their young lives in bars and pubs.......the ones that learn only how to break the rules and not stick to them.... yeah right,,, be proud..... nice one...good guidance for the youngsters,,,they will also understand how to respect other peoples rules won't they if they are guided by you,,,,,,,your bully boy tactics don't mean a thing to us, you run your club and we will run ours, you were churlish and bad mannered, to be truthful you will not be welcome back to this club. you are out of order and you behaved like arrogant spoilt children.... our house, our rules, respect them or don't come...simple...one phone call could have cleared the issue but you came to break those rules, end of.... you were wrong. As for the game...your team were crap and you will be lucky to survive this season...the goal wasn't special...our goalie was flat footed.... you came for a draw and got it...we can't complain...we were awful and that's the truth of it...we will only play better...you have no chance at all...woeful really....try a different approach...it might work...please tell us...how can eleven year olds run football clubs....???..... is it legal....????.......One wonders what the FA would say about all of this..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/upyours.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/upyours.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/upyours.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/upyours.gif" alt="" />

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i heard what went on outside the club house and the barton people were way out of order, what a load of arrogant a******s, culd'nt believe it...''you will let us all in or else''...... amazin'...as for the game....we were superb in the first...crap in the second...lockie and foxy men of the match......woodie was crap and fear tactics at the end....come on...are you serious...is this the best that yu can do boys..hey...coaches and managers....is someone gonna tell these guys that we can win everything if we attack the game and will win f**k all if we sit deep....who's in charge here...lets go...lets get organised....come on you urchins.....lets roll....f****n' 'ell....deal with it..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/director.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/director.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/director.gif" alt="" />

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Should we really have to explain to Mr Sterry, (he of the high priciples about the way that other people run their football clubs) that the security at the stadium has served to get rid of years of vandalism, house breaking and general disorder on the site as well as serving to ensure that neither our, or our visitors cars get broken into and indeed that our revamped club house and changing room facilities are safe, who on earth does this arrogant man think that he is, good lord, 'phsyician heal thyself' comes to mind. future of non league football indeed, if that is the case, lets get out of it before it's to late. Astounding, absolutely astounding.

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there is always one i'm afraid, jesus what an arrogant p***k, if the future of anything lies in the hands of '30 years of experience' that manifests itself in Mr Sterry's words, then god help us, 'when in rome', get lost sterry, our own children are subject to the same rules,,, breed your pub culture with your own youngsters in your own club, don't try and stuff it down our throat,,,,mind you,,,bit of jealousy perhaps, ah yes!! any racism at your club then????? are you sure,,,, Any bad language on the terraces then??? are you sure,,,finances all in order then???,,,are you sure,,,go sort your own club out and don't try to interfere with ours.

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they were all [****!!****]****s anyway, you could see 'em coming a mile off, they came to cause a row, they knew what they were doin', why bother with 'em, they weren't even nice people, the boss had a go at one of the players in the clubhouse for swearing and being rude, ferk 'em we got four points of' em, lets move on. lossas one an' all.

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Sorry you don't like our policy but it has been in place since the start of the season, has been well publicised and applies to everyone. Some of us aren't happy about it but we all accept it including players and management.


If the non-league game is meant to be a family game then why do some club's supporters delight in constantly hurling abuse at players from start to finish. Perhaps these are the clubs you should be preaching to.

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P**s off you sad cretin, as if your club has anything to shout about! Goal of the season, fluke pal, fluke!! Your tiny and pathetic handfull of supporters were a joke. Just a shame we didn't get a winner when Crippy put in that cracking cross, it would have certainly shut up the pair of spooks sitting behind us! Anyway, bigger fish to fry than your bunch of wan*ers.

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well put, one further point is this, yes we do not all agree with the restriction policy in the clubhouse but its only for a short period of time until new facilities are built, then we will have the best family accomodation in the rymans, small price to pay therefore if we have to make do this season, we may not please our guests sometimes when they can't get all of their 'members' into warm boardrooms on wet days but then again, at least there is no hypocrisy at the Stadium, when did anyone ever see the boss in the boardroom, or his partner come to that, they are usually in the urchins bar along with most of our working officials (or else working themselves) and all their families pay to get in as well. No, what we had yesterday was just another example of freeloaders demanding official status, let them all pay and get in the urchins bar with the rest of us. 11 year olds on commitees, yeah, ok, onder when that young lady last voted????

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'nuf said probably...lets move on...they won't be the last 'Urchin Bashers' we can live with it. Back to the game itself, or perhaps more saliently, the last three drawn games, We have played so well in patches, long periods in fact, made so many chances, controlled a lot of the game and only come away with three points. We can't even say that out opponents didn't deserve their draws, because they probably did. We should not sit back in these games, lets attack these teams and frighten the life out of them, we've got the players to do it, why sit back and defend deeply when we should be ransacking these teams, that lot yesterday weren't any good at all, average in fact. But lets take the pluses, excellent midfield in the 1st, crippsy again proving what a wonderful asset he is to the team, good back three and although the two hitmen were sadly out of sorts (my opinion don't jump all over me), their goals scored speaks for itself. Its a long season Urchins, keep cool.

<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cool_shades.gif" alt="" />

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do something about the racist abuse that your fans dished out to one of our players at the game at your ground and the mindless thugs who constantly goaded steve jones with disgusting comments and filthy language, then, when you and you 'committee' have sorted all that out, then you can come down to our club and help us. Thank you for your opinion, hopefully the views expressed here will serve to remind you how misguided that opinion was.

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Bit of a harsh response eh, why do you have an rule re under 18's, never used to be a problem at the Urchins? Plus why an earth do you need security guards for 204 people.


Please don't become another Canvey, you will show the way forward better by taking a softer approach.

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thank you for your opinion boroman, I do believe that you are a genuine footie supporter so I'll be patient,....you obviously have no understanding of the stadium in the past few years and what it had become, a haven for drug takers and young hooligans with their six packs and their spiffs. Dozens, yes, dozens (check the police records) of reported burgalaries and incidents of damage to adjoining properties....since the new owners took over in June and the security was implemented... not one incident, cars left out all night, even doors left unlocked, not one problem, we feel no need to condone our actions on that evidence alone, I could go further and mention the lack of filthy language and racist abuse which is totally absent from our ground but it probably wouldn't mean to much...enough said.


As for the under 18's, and taking a softer approach......well.... two issues, we are not supporters of the drink culture that passes for 'tradition' in non league footie, thats a fact, more importantly and the crux of the matter, we simply do not have the room to accomodate every person that wants to get into the clubhouse, you've said it yourself, 200 plus, we have a facility that will accomodate 60 at most, there is nought else to say. Next year,on whatever scale, we shall have the new stand...thats our commitment to non league footie.... then we will be able to accomodate everyone, families included, we ask for nothing that we are not prepared to do ourselves, (we all have children) we all pay, we never use the boardroom, the urchins bar is a livelier place to be. People come to football matches to watch a game...or they should...if they go to get drunk in club houses...we don't want them at the stadium...at any price... Thanks for your interest in our club and may we remind you that you have a lot of work to do at your own club, you haven't got the time to spend worrying about ours.... Good Luck <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif" alt="" />

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you are being too forgiving because I don't think that wee man is anywhere near his best yet after coming back from injury, I thought Lockie had his best game yet in the red white and black and I also thought that foxy continued to impress. Its not the individual performances though is it, when you analyse those performances its hard to be critical, we have the players, its the organisation of those players that appears to be lacking, look at the chances we make in every game, look at the quality of our football in the first 20 minutes on saturday, they weren't at the races, we pulverised them and I accept that if we took a couple more of those chances then its a different game but fear seems to creep in. B******s to defending 1-0 leads, I don't wanna watch that, I want to watch an attacking confident team going for everyone's throats and frightening the life out of teams, its time for sir mick and his team of coaches to get a little more tactically sophisticated, the club can't do anymore, (look at the signings for petes sake) sadly, thats the crux of the matter, its not the winning or losing is it, its the way we play. Lets get at 'em, all of 'em. (last comment, teams raise their games against us, everyone, love us or hate us, wants to beat Hornchurch, its a fact of life after what we've done, we must expect it and be up for it) Good luck Urchins, tear 'em all apart. We're good enough.

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Sorry Offie,


didn't mean to get off on the wrong foot again. I don't condone drunken louts in clubhouses for one minute, look at the damage that was done by that in the battle of the afc'c on Sat (see NPL). All im meant was that by keeping kids out you in effect turn it into an adult drinking club as oppose to a family environment where drinking is done in moderation.


Most of us drive to games so all we want a quick pint before hand, not to p@ss it up. However if you currentley have logistical problems getting everyone in, fair enough. Also im a bit confussed, are we talking general bar or committee bar.


As for the druggie thing, I always asumed prior to the takeover Urchin home games were played in front of about 50 people, mainly old boys, so where did all these lowlifes come from.



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Yes I guess you are right to some extent, when was the last time we scored from the midfield? Nicky Lowery plays that role just behind the strikers and unfortunately there now seems to be a hole in our structure.

It's almost as if we are playing every game as if we are away to the league leaders.


Most teams in this division can play a bit but we won't win anything by playing with this level of caution, particularly at home.


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You must have been the rabbit with the moustache......ie. the prick hopping around and waving his arms around when you scored. Must be something in the water in your neck of the woods...suggest Barton council replace the lead pipes with plastic before it becomes an epedemic! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/upyours.gif" alt="" />

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