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Colin Page on KMFM


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Colin Page was interviewed on KMFM this morning. Basically the lack of results and lack of attendances is the reason. Sounds like it came down to the amount of money coming into the club. He made the point that 49 players had gone in the books despite only having 4 players at the start of the season. Anyone else catch the interview? I hear another Director was interviewed earlier today (Rowlett?) but didnt catch that one.

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We wouldn't have had to try new players if it hadn't all gone tits up in the first place would we.

Where did we get to when Chris had a "normal" club to manage-oh yeah-we became the top part-time club in the country-still the nob'eads know best.

Easier for them to all be Kinnears fault.

What a load of sh*t.

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its about the ammount of money going out of the club we have one of the highest wage budgets in the division now.


we have one of the best teams player for player and still we keep loosing badly i might add what would you do as a director. (its your cash and the flow has to stop somwhere)


im sure if we were in the top 10 ck would still be here, but the last 2 months performances have gone from bad to worse!


to CEnder kp said at the start of the season we need a average of 750 attendance to cover overheads and that was before we took on players like DH and BB which would mean we need more like 1000 attendance to square up even

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Did CK hold a gun to the directors' heads? No, they agreed to the spending.

And talking of money, how many thousands of pounds will we have to pay off on the remainder of CK's contract? Then in the summer we get a new guy in who - guess what! - will want to sign his own set of players.

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CK may have gone over budget on players, but as pointed out, that was only with the directors' approval. However, what about the profit that we are likely to make on Osman this summer - shouldn't all the credit for that go to CK for bringing him into the club ?

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Just checked and our average gate was around 100 less than the break even figure when CK got the go ahead to sign Bertie. It was still around 100 less than the break even figure when we signed Danny and Robin, by which time you'd have to have been very optimistic to think that we'd end up averaging 750. Bit of a gamble by the directors to let CK sign them, even more so on two year contracts. Wonder if he was told that if the gates didn't go up he'd get sacked ? I somehow doubt it - can't see CK taking a risk like that.


Hope I can get a ticket for the home game next Saturday - presumably there'll be a massive crowd now CK's gone...


Also, this season was always going to be one of consolidation, even if Chris had somehow managed to magic up a winning side out of practically nowehere and we'd been top I'm not sure we'd have averaged 750. Especially when there was surely no way we could have gone up with the ground situation being as it is. Although I've got no idea what it actually is.


So why gamble with the club's finances during a season where we weren't going anywhere - up or down ?

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Agree with Legend here. The Board have backed the Manager by giving him the means to build his team, so on paper we have a better team. It's now up to the Manager to get that better team to perform better and if that doesn't happen the Board will apportion blame. Regardless of his previous record a Manager is only deemed as good as his last few results(Harsh but true), our results in March were 0-1, 0-1, 3-3(friendly), 2-4, 0-1 - followed by 1-2 & 1-1 in April.

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Thats the way i think aswell.


Loads of respect for CK, but if you sign the players ,your paymasters are entitled to seek a return.

With regard to the attendances-yes they will drop in the latter months of season, but a mid table side would have seen us with gates of 600 minimum.


If you take on more staff above your plan, you have to show results.In this case it did not work out.If i went to my employees and said give me 5 more staff at a cost of £100k and i will return £200k on bottom line ,then they would say yes.If i did not achieve, i would be dismissed.

The same applies `here

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