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Hot to Trott?


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Good luck Robin im sure you will have the fans suport even in this uneasy climate.


Im not to keen on player managers myself as it usally effects there game and tbh we cant afford to lose what Trott offers on the pitch.


Having said that its better the players have some one they know then some stranger at the moment with what has happend of late.

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Well, we have to start somewhere, and Robin is a cracking bloke.

This sort of trying time certainly will be a very good test of our steel as supporters.

I want my club to do well, and the players to play well, and to progress. I want our new ground, success, and some of the good feelings we have felt in the past.

So, I stay behind the team, and will be there to cheer them on whenever I am able to.

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I said last night in bar I saw directors talking to Robin & wondered whether they were asking him to take charge. Good luck to him, he is a top notch man & we must give him our full support however much we think of the decision about Chris

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Knowing how Robins attitude is on the field I think somehow that the ATTITUDE amongst others will certainly be different.I am sure he will have them all "revved" up for run-in. Thats got to be a good thing to start with.

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If it gets results then he can continue to F'ing & blind for all I care.

I think he will tone it down verbally now St.Peter but will retain that eagerness he shows when he is playing.I could be wrong and he could go over the top but somehow I think we will see a different Trott but in verbal terms only.He now has the clubs name to consider when he gets vocal.We dont want another BORG do we? Well not here anyway.

Mind you even he gets results dosent he?

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well aint posted all day so here i go. woz as shocked as everybody else but deep down not completely gutted. as in life in general all good things come to an end sad as it is. what we must do is look forward and not back. we have to back robin trott as much as poss. what will people say if we suddenly won three on the trott? (excuse the pun). it will be interesting to see. lets just hope it gets better before it gets worse. I'm for once am trying to be positive! fingers crossed!


come on the gate!!!

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