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Chris Kinnear

Jeff Trice

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Caught the tail-end of it and he sounded absolutely gutted to me - hardly surprising.


Very true about the major re-build Chris has had to do this season, without the benefit of a normal pre-season - ie being in administration etc.


Despite the enforced trial and error system he had to adopt he still came up with quite a few gems - plucked Osman Sesay and Hasim Deen from out of nowhere, Lawrence Yiga likewise and also Warren Ryan who I'm sure he'd have loved to have kept.

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Just seen this and I am a bit confused...surely April 1st was Saturday?

This is not only unbelievable but also disgraceful. Both last night and on Saturday there were definate signs that things on the pitch were going in the right direction, but now there is turmoil. A much respected manager has been sacked with only a few games to go and the players that signed for him will have to play for someone else, with relegation still a threat. If we suffer a third relegation (demotion) in a row it wont so much be down to CK's signings/tactics but for this absolutely ridiculous decision. I cannot for one minute understand why it has been taken, especially now.

Chris Kinnear stuck with this club through times when most managers would have walked, especially with the better offers that kept coming in. He built a competent Conference side that was more than capable of holding its own with the big boys and that was only torn apart by the idotic moves off the pitch which started with us playing a season away from home even though Hartsdown was still standing (God knows how much money was spunked away while renting Crabble on lower gates while Hartsdown sat idle - mind you Parmenter decision there seems obvious now that he is back at Dover) and saw the players that saw us doing well in the Conference leaving as the farce over the ground saw all the hard work ruined and the club back at the same level it was when Kinnear started.

Don't get me wrong, I do get frustrated with some of CK's decisions at times but even last night I was reassuring those who said we were doomed that this season was not different to Chris' first and was just the start of rebuilding. I had no doubt that Chris would have taken us back to the Conference within a few years. What more do the board want? They f*** a manager about during most of his time with the club (ground plan delays, wages not paid to him and the players, demoted despite finishing in a safe position) but he stays amazingly loyal and patiently starts to rebuild. Then they chop him after two fairly reasonable performances. Funnily I was chatting to someone last night about some of the things the club have done in the last 20 years to infuriate/alienate supporters and I said that it seemed as though the club had changed from that. Never so much has a word been spoken too soon.

So what next? No-one will match Kinnear. Popular choices would be the likes of Ian O'Connell, Martion Buglione, Kevin Hudson! They are the only sort of replacement that would be popular for nostalgic reasons, but they dont have the ability of CK. Decent managers do not come cheap so any of the 'names' will be out of our league. So, my thoughts are, reinstate Kinnear!!! There is no other choice and I am pretty sure that if the board holds their hands up and says 'we were stupid please come back Chris' it would be the most positive action, in the supporters eyes, that they have ever undertaken.

Chris gave us our first appearance in the F.A.Cup 1st round in 25(ish) years, our first victory over league opposition in the cup, our first appearance in the second round over the same time, our first live TV appearance (that money came in handy eh?), our first promotion in 20 years, our first Southern League Championship in god knows how long, several Kent Senior Cup victories (including three in a row until last year), a Southern League Cup and a transformation from a club attracting 200 fans to one getting 1500. Even last night despite the league position we got double what Ramsgate (who are winning their league) get. Like the Romans, what has Kinnear ever done for us?

This is going to be a very interesting time for the club as the supporters, like Chris, have stayed very loyal despite being frustrated, or indeed infuriated, at some of the clubs choices. With a succesful club across the Island thos fans who are not Margate through and through might decide to give the red side a try as they seem more supporter orientated. Whatever way I think the next home attendance will say a lot about the decision.

I see people mention boycotting games and protests and must admit I would be up for anything (including donated my left nad to medical research) that would see the return of Chris. If he does not return howabout organising a night at the Social Club that we can invite Chris to so all fans can thank him personally? Whether he would come or not remains to be seen but it seems the least we can do to make up for the boards catastrophic [****!!****]-up.



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Absolutely awful decision. What the hell is the club playing at? It could not have come at a worse time. We're in the middle of a relegation battle, for goodness sake! And what's with all this 'suspension' talk - I was under the impression that 'suspension' means that you return after a while away. Surely this is not the case? There must be more than meets the eye; as posted on another thread, why now? I really cannot believe this decision. The club has a lot to answer for. CK has stayed at the club despite all that has gone on in the past few years - who would have blamed him if he had left? I think the fans deserve to know more than the pathetic announcement we have received. CK is a legend! Thanks for so many good memories. I, for one, never wanted you to leave!

P.s sorry for the mini-rant - I'm just furious!

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I am not best known for being one who is lost for words but after hearing the news last night I travelled with a colleague from Margate to South East London and to use his words he had never seen me lost for words.


Absolutely gutted

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The board will not leave just because we boycott one game but it will send a clear message and put pressure on them to put it right, hold their hands up and reinstate the legend. I very much doubt whether any other manager could even get us out of this league that would want to take the job with all the ground issues.

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Chris Kinnear was a great manager, the best in Margate's history, but is a man ever bigger than the club?

No man is bigger than any club. Not even a director.

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I'm not up for a boycott but how about chanting Chris Kinnears blue and white army all through the next games to give this shameful board the message. Is this how loyalty is rewarded. Us fans have stayed loyal at great time and expence to ourselves and what do we get back-everything we don't want from our club. Where's the info on what's happening over the stadium-we're kept in the dark-where's the manager we love and want? We're fans so we're just expected to take everything and stay loyal-well board you may just have made one f*ck up too many. Lets get some banners made up and show we're not prepared to be treated like sh*t.

I'm absolutely loathe to spit this bile out but it really looks like Ramsgate could be on their way to be Thanets number one club-AND WE'LL KNOW WHO'S TO BLAME. Sorry but I'm sick and tired of being kept in the dark and dealing with crisis after crisis where this board is concerned.


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