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Preferred line up v W & E


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Oates Donovan Trott Allman

Protheroe Yiga Keister Ziepe Brayley



subs Mitten, Kola, Standen, Knight, Gradley


Assume Deen is out of the question for this game. Would like to make sure and go 4-5-1 and if not working then change at half time and bring on Knight and take off a middle man. Yiga and Proths could swap if not working after half hour.

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Might as well turn the tables here...


GW, you have opted for 4-5-1 in a home match that we have to win. Isn't that a bit negative? Also you would play Ziepe from the start even though he is a kid who has had very little time in the first team. Bit of a risk?


Cookie, how do you know Deen and Gradley are fit enough to start? Plus you put Keister in a centre half partnership with Trott. Is it really the kind of game to be experimenting?

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It was intimated in the press if I remember correctly that Deen & Gradley could be in contention. AS for Keister,thats no experiment. He played there before Robin appeared and did a sound job.Admittedly it wasnt with Robin but he did at that time have similar players alongside of him,though not as classy or consistent.I would have him just in front of Trott really but not in the midfield role as such.He slows things up in midfield too much for my liking.Failing him being pushed back I would opt for Kola in the backline as another option.Though a little slow on the ground his aerial abilities are only second to those of Trotts,as are Keisters for such a small guy.I have mentioned my preferences on the basis that those you mention ARE fit enough to take their place in the starting line-up.We wont have many more chances to get three points again this season(on paper)in reality.Tuesday is vital in that the three points stay at home.WE need our best players out there Tuesday to get these three vital points.At least it will give us some breathing space if we won on Tuesday.I am EXPECTING a good win on Tuesday and not HOPING.

Tuesday surely has to be an ALL-OUT for the three points night. Nothing less! Failure to win all three points will see us looking over our shoulders more.A win should give us all sighs of relief & will go a long long way to us staying up.

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4-5-1 is a bit negative on first viewing but with Brayley out wide he could be encouraged to attack at every opportunity and stretch the opposition much like he did when on loan against Fisher. Using Ziepe as we need someone with the legs to run all the time in the central midfield area and to help Keister. Obviously Gradley would be ideal but if he is not fit then it would be silly to risk him. I wouldnt see playing a young lad a risk in this game as with all respect to Windsor we are not playing the likes of Braintree or Wimbledon. Hopefully he should find this is a game where we can dominate the midfield and he could thrive. If not working of course he could be the man to make way for Knight.

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Subs: Mitten,Yiga,Keister,Donovan & Ziepe


However If Deen unfit then Keister to replace him if Gradley unfit Keister again to replace him but if both unfit Keister & Donovan as replacements.

Subs to come in Kola and Sessay (if he is allowed to play for his parent club that is)


Team is designed to be slightly negative but we cannot lose again this season.

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Protheroe, Keister, Trott, Allman

Yiga, Gradley, Deen, Brayley

Hockton, Knight


That would be my preferd line up, but having said that im not CK and no doubt it will be compleatly diffrent but his the gaffer and im not.

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Oates, Donovan, Trott, Allman

Deen (if fit), Keister, Gradley (if fit)


Hockton, Yiga.


That would be my preferred line-up but, realistically, I can't see CK playing that. However, I do have faith in him - we WILL win against Windsor! Come on you Blues!

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Why have you all dropped Bill? He had a great match away at Windsor. They are not very fast up front.


Donovan/Edwards/Kola were solid that day.


Are we allowed 4-4-2?


If so:







Subs Mitten/Kola/Keister/Gradley/Knight

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Agree Chris-defence held on that day, but it was sometime ago and probably the last time the defence looked sound.

My line up:




Protheroe Deen Trott Standen


Yiga Keister Gradley Knight


Hockton Brayley

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Slack with the left back situation again though MM.It wont win us games,it just wont! Still your opinion counts too & it could reap rewards if its given time though time I feel has already been given to that position with no success.We need to shore up that defence sharply & quickly as time is running out for anymore of that.Deen will be wasted i.m.o at the back as he is a similar player to Sesay in that he is good coming forward.However,having said that Deen at the back with Keister in midfield is an option.

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Not happy with Allman then MM? No of course not. You have mentioned that previously,sorry.

If no Deen or Gradley I would bring back Kola in defence & THEN push Keister up into midfield & bring Knight in alongside.Zeipe hasnt impressed me I'm afraid but as in Knight we havent seem much of him really,either.I just think that Knight might have more up his sleeve(just my gut feeling on that one). Subs would then include Donovan & Standen (all we have left I think).What happened to that other guy we had,with a weird name. Name slips my mind. Has he gone too.

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