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ground developments

phil d

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now i know i will get shouted at for being ignorant but does anyone know what position we are in with the council regarding the new works starting at the end of season because a little reliable dickie bird told me that mfc have not got permission for anything yet. please help and dont shoot me down

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In a short answer phil d, what youve heard is absolutely right. Strictly speaking they cant build or demolish a thing yet.


The new plans to the best of my knowledge havent been submitted. I know it has been said they had been submitted along with a business plan but if they had been, wouldnt the papers have picked up on the story as well as the club making an announcement about it?


If the club tries to demolish the ground without permission, as is being talked of, the Council will be severely pissed off and Im sure action will be taken.

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The plans have to go back to C.O.S.E again yet also. Oh dearie dearie me! When (if) will we ever get going on this? Everyone asks for positivity so how about the club giving US some positive comments on this.

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i just get a bad feeling about this we only get told what we want to hear. misa have supported the club this year and i feel that a discussion needs to be of priority with the council and mfc to find exactly where the bread and butter people ( supporters misa ) stand because the club wont carry on another season if they touch the pitch. for christ sake mfc do the decent thing and tell us the truth in blue and white

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The other problem is that CK has stated that he has a number of players lined up for next season. Will those players still come with no sign ofthe new ground. It will be another struggle again next season if the ground does not get built.

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Phil,at 8.49 you said a little dicky bird had told you that MFC hadnt got the permission to go on with this.

At 9.46, you are showing concern.

At 10.14, you are asking for us to be patient & wait for the club to see this thread in the morning(fair enough).

But then at 10.17, you then turn round and tell us that someone has told you that the club had in fact got the go-ahead.

Can you tell me why,in that hour & a half things have suddenly changed from your initial post to that of your most recent post?

How reliable is your contact in the first instance(first post) & how reliable is your contact in the last post you made?

Just seemed a swift change of direction from you thats all.

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"The new plans to the best of my knowledge havent been submitted. I know it has been said they had been submitted along with a business plan but if they had been, wouldnt the papers have picked up on the story as well as the club making an announcement about it?"


Not necessarily. Ramsgate had an application to erect a phone mast at their ground turned down last year and not a word appeared in the Gazette.

I was told that the plans have been submitted.

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