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Thoughts from Billericay


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I agree with Phil & Tony too, let Chris get on with his job because if us fans could do better, surely we would be managing a football team somewhere!

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We DO let him get on with the job he is being paid to do.Just because some disagree with certain things that we see,added to that,that we arent football managers,dosent mean we are any less knowledgable about the game.A premiership referee dosent always get things right as can be proved on many occasions by tv play backs yet it dosent mean the ordinary public are wrong when they query some of their decisions.Just because some feel like giving their views on things dosent mean we are all thick,Alan,& others. Sometimes even football managers get things wrong.If they got things spot on all the time we would all be top of the league every time,but that isnt the case.

Come on,we are just giving our thoughts on certain aspects and that cant be wrong surely. Again,no-ones telling CK how to do his job but merely commenting & offering possible solutions. No-one is forcing those comments down his throat for goodness sake.I just wish more people would be more open & honest.

Like everything in life if somethings wrong & you are not happy with it you should complain otherwise the same mistakes will be made again and again.Running a football team dosent exempt you from making errors and managers shouldnt be above criticism.Sometimes,well more than sometimes they get it wrong too..fact. I am talking in general now.

It should be healthy to be passionate & care & thats all that we are doing. Some prefer to tow the line and stay in that "comfort" zone,free of being got at,while others are more outgoing & more daring. Either way,there is no harm done so let those that speak their minds in all honesty be allowed to continue in the same way that they respect others less opinionated ways.

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I am not slating anyone, am just putting my personal feelings up about what should happen, and certainly not calling anyone thick! But hey maybe because I am trying to stay positive re club, I am wrong? I went to the last MISA meeting when Chris put across his views & I for one will back him, even tho, yes, I have been fed up the way we have conceded goals the last few games.

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Why does everyone think that giving opinions though different from others has anything to do with being negative or not positive as people put it.It has nothing to do with any of that.For goodness sakes they are just opinions/commments.

Why does everything which goes against the

grain have to be anti positive. Too many people see more into these comments as is intended or is meant. Like another post says we all still return at the next game hoping for better.That is the positivity in the people that post so called negative comments. Those people are no different to the others. Only on the forum,where we should be able to make our views known,are we seemingly being negative.This is so so not the case.

No-ones right & no-ones wrong they are personal opinions but they are options that could be looked at.

"Thick" was meant in terms of football knowledge Alan & not in terms of general knowledge.

Now please,everyone who dosent have an opinion or who wont share it genuinely & openly or if its not to everyones liking,get off the backs of those that do.

FINITO from me!

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We are no less loyal than others Cookie. We attend all games we possibly can as others do and we give the players our support on match day. Everyone has their own way of accepting a loss or poor performance and my way is to put my thoughts down. Usually once I have done this I feel more positive for the next game. So for me speaking up in this way is a positive. Honest opinions all the way I say.

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As I said before I back CK, my own personal opinion & to me that is positive. I respect that others dont feel the same way & have every right to air their views on here, but I am only saying what I think as I have every right to do so. As u have said before Tony thats what makes a forum

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I coudnt agree more Tony. That works both ways but lets remember that those on here commenting either way are ALL for the club & the majority have no problems with CK as manager,just some of his decisions thats all. We have all proberbly questioned something at sometime that he has done or not done that we agree or disagree with.

May I just point out that any of my comments above or at most times arent meant as personal to anyone on here because I think that those who come onto this forum are the HEART of the fan base and there would be nothing I would intentionally say or do to want allinate myself from others.You are all too important to this club.I certainly dont wish to fall out with any of you so please accept my apologies if some of my comments had seemed to to be personal sounding to anyone in particular.That was not the intention.

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wow, not sure where all this came from, different people = different opinions.

Some people are positive, GW , Tony , Taffy,


some are negative SSS,

some are realist ,Cookie

and some are just darn right in love with the club , Tucker


Some people opinions I agree with, some I don't.

but the one thing that unites us all is the love of the club

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