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Oh what a Circus


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IMO,it was bad,Very bad,against the run of play we got a goal,then all of a sudden we went 2-0 up,yes we could have had more But so could they,in the end they were far the better side,there passing,there movment were so much better than ours.Do we train as a team or just have a kickabout in midweek because on todays play there did not seem to be any understanding between players,and our midfield is [****!!****].

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Part1)On another thread it has been said that it could be the formation that seems to be letting us down but I cant see that the formation is the problem.If the players cant put their foot on the ball,play simple easy balls,some at short distances,to not allow the opposition to have space upon space,to not back off when they are pushing forward,to support each other not just in defence but also in attack.To not keep giving the ball away. Things like these that are happening all too often but shouldnt be. To cut out silly mistakes,to be able to control a ball,not to panic,not to just kick the ball upfield in sheer hope that someone will be up there to collect it,not to be second in the tackle everytime.I could go on & on but I wont.Some will say the weather was a deciding factor & that it didnt help. No it didnt help us thats for sure.The opposition worked the ball well despite the weather but we didnt,so no excuses for that one. Again,& I have said this many times we are making every side look decidedly better than what actually are. Again,not the best of sides I have seen but I will admit they were better than the league leaders,i.m.o.They wanted the game & the three points more than us & thats understandable in their league position,but we have to want it too.Admittedly we were coasting it until the referee,who seemed to want to whistle for something or other,every two minutes without fail,gave a dubious penalty where the ball just rose up & hit a hand. If we were only one up I can assure you he wouldnt have given it because it was ball to hand & not the other way round.A soft penalty & the tide turned so the ref was at fault also & really & truly he started the rot with that decision. A poor & unfair decision for their first goal.

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Part2)Falling apart at the seams, we shouldnt be doing. WE were coasting but nevertheless fortunate to be 2 goals in front but 2 goals in front we were so we should be showing more resolve after that.There were many things wrong today despite the awful weather(I will give credit to ALL the players out there for having to play in it) but one team managed to win whereas we didnt so its got to be down to skills and determination. We lacked both.In my view & judging by todays collapse we are still at least 9 players short of producing a team for an assault on the title next season.It has to change.We were sailing it today,not by great football but by two good strikes but after that we fell apart & its not good enough.

I look forward to Tuesday night because after todays second half "submission" I am sure we will now go & upset the odds against the Fleet,guaranteed.

Yet again I have managed to end up doing a long post so I have split it into parts 1 & 2 but I had to get it all off my chest sorry.

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What a difference a few weeks make, how that Wealdstone victory seems a long time ago now! I feel disappointed like others again today but feel three defeats does not make the side a bad team, CK should STAY, he has been loyal to us and we must still believe in him.

Lessons though need to be learnt, not to be complacent when we have an advantage and capitalise by holding on.

I think we need a win to get us back on track and then confidence will start to flow through the side once more, try not to lose hope and lets get a KSC victory come Tuesday.

Up the Gate!

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I thought the first half was ok and when we got the second it was looking good. To follow ?? Well aload of cr*p to be honest. As previous posts have already said 5-3-2 aload of rubbish!!! 4-4-2 please!!!. I really would like to know where brechet is. Ever since he was injured i do believe we have lost! Charlie for me i'm afraid does not bring me confidence and probably not to the players in front of him. Ho hum another disappointment. Still dont think we will get relegated tho (fingers crossed)


Come on the gate!!!

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if they were a poor side as someone has stated then what are we? No chance of getting near to promotion next year with this team.Where were thease so called star players we have signed recently. the team is performing no better than at the start of the season.In my eyes we have let go players that are as good as the players we now have or were even better. We dont seem to be able to do even the basics like hold and the pass the ball. ITs about the defence looked up to see what is in front of them.BOOT BOOT BOOT and hope for the best

Another quote I read Walton were lucky to get a point off us at when they played us at home but they are playing a differnt team now they wont know what will hit them.well obviosly they have gone forward whilst we have sideways.

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Of course we were all disappointed at losing today, especially after being 2-0 up, but let's face it, we were 2-0 up against the run of play, albeit with two good goals. It seemed to me that W&H had most of the play in the first half and I would have thought that they got a rocket in the interval.



As for blaming Charlie Mitten - totally unfair. I guess that most of the people that have been on here blaming him were standing at the opposite end to where the goals went in anyway. I was, and to be fair one goal was a penalty, two did not seem to give him any chance and the last goal he was put in a position where he seemed to be on a hiding to nothing. A bit like the ridiculous back pass in the first half which was from a reasonable distance out and was a slow bouncy back pass. It is just too easy to blame the keeper.


With regard to the attendance, I do think that it is very sad that those extra 700 people who were at the Maldon game at the start of the season have disappeared. It was always going to be tough this season, the expectation on being back at Hartsdown being so great, but was it really going to be that easy? Of course we would all like to be at the top of the league but it is a re-building time and I do believe that we should be positive and give the management and players support - do you think that they like losing? Of course not.


With regard to the weather, yes it was cold but if many of us can travel down regularly from London and surrounding areas then I am sure that support from Margate itself should not be impossible.


Even allowing for the rebuilding I believe that the facilities at Hartsdown are better now (alright there is only one covered end)than there used to be some years ago. The catering outlets are better (and more of) and as regards the toilets I can imagine that there are those who attend games currently who recall the gents toilets behind each stand when you had as much water coming down on your head from leaks and the elements as you were depositing in there yourself.

So look at the positives.


The management and the players have bigger mountains to climb than ever before and I think that we should look at it in a positive and supportive way.


Well that's that off my chest.

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I too think critisism of Charlie Mitten is a bit over the top.Yes,he should have made that ball his for the last goal. It was his responsibility and the toe-poke should have been prevented but previously he made some really good saves and in the air he was magnificent. His kicking WAS down to the weather conditions as their keeper had the same problems too in the second half.That back pass was dreadful and put Charlie under extreme pressure. We mustnt forget that Behcet is only here as a loan,a loan until Charlie was fit again.Whilst signing him would be good for us we have to realise that that wasnt the intention in the first place.Charlie hasnt been the same since he came back but he is still a very good keeper i.m.o.& he deserves,yes,deserves our backing whereas some others I feel havent earned anything yet.Charlie will win more games for us than he loses so we should be aware of that fact.

As we are talking game by game though yesterday wasnt the best days for him but next week he could shine again & probably will.

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unacceptable, unprofesional a total waste of wages.they turn up get paid and put no effort into their performances(brayley and keister apart).kinnear cant seem to inspire the team and hasnt got a clue tactically.with a very strong wind behind you play 3-5-2 its basic coaching.total crap again.heads have got to roll or it will be the same again next season

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