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Chelmsford "Soapbox" Week One - Day Two

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Au contraire Gazza - Today, we'll be talking about how you guys are having to look UP the league table to find us.

Which will make a pleasant change from earlier in the week when these ridiculous threads started, when most of us were consulting our thesauruses to establish how many synonyms there are for the word "pathetic".


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Wow, French phrases & pluralising of Thesaurus in one post! Not to mention spelling ridiculous & synonym correctly. You must be the one who completes their DSS claims! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Good result for you today. It's helpful when the teams above us get beaten (especially when we throw away two points like today). Yes.. I know for the time being (until we win our game in hand) that now includes you. Don't gloat. It's sure to be short lived.

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Yes, we do like the Chelmsford supporters who gloat and then find that we have a game in hand and then do the math...that is if they can count that far.


Of course what I find pathetic is the amount of times they metion my name when ever they post anything about Bill N Ricay (Oooooo, a droll sense of humour they have). And then Mixture (or was it Toffee, I can't tell one from the other to tell you the truth, they both suffer from BBB) mentions that I wobble!!! Of course this isn't insulting in the eyes of a Chelmsford numpty.


Keep gloating BC, what goes around, comes around.

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The Town Crier said:

Balmoral has stolen my prdiction for the day, but I do feel he has cheated somewhat and taken a sneaky look at the soap box before predicting.

I must say though, I was impressed with the win, and I'm sure it was a great day for those who travelled, Well done and enjoy.

Thanks TC.
And you other guys (won't mention any names because it appears you don't like it) - I WAS NOT GLOATING - just making a statement of fact. Yes, you have a game in hand, and yes, you will almost certainly finish above us in the table by the end of the season, but you can't blame me for enjoying the brief moment while it lasts can you?
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Balmoral Claret said:
..yes, you will almost certainly finish above us in the table by the end of the season, but you can't blame me for enjoying the brief moment while it lasts can you?

Blimey BC! You'll get hanged for that on the Soapbox wont you? Looks like your lot had great day out yesterday from the 'photos, which is what it's all about. But now your gloating times up, so back to reality!
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I need to make a confession. It was my fault that Ch*lmo had such a good result on Saturday as I stupidly gave the Wombles a home win in the Lucky 7's. All season I've been going with Ch*lmo and they have invariably been my downfall.


As an aside I noticed in the NLP that there were a number of inflatable bananas on hand amongst the away supporters in Surrey. Why bananas and what happened to the women they were supposed to be taking? By the way, I predict a riot of inflatable waving on the soapbox today. Do I really have to go and look? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bow.gif" alt="" />

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Surely a topic of discussion would be the inflatable.


Us footie people are very superstitious, so the question being posed has to be, "Do we continue with the inflatable Home and Away, or keep them for Away games only" <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chloe.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/yay.gif" alt="" />

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Ryan.c said:
Must admit, I had a sneaky look yesterday and there are a couple of postings of the "Buster Gonad & his unfeasibly large testicles" kind. I'd tread carefully if you're venturing over Blockhead.

Why Ryan? Could it be that if Ian puts his size 9's in a difficult place, he may bust a few goands?
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The Town Crier said:

Surely the topic of discussion would be the inflatable.

Us footie people are very superstitious, so the question being posed has to be, "Do we continue with the inflatable Home and Away, or keep them for Away games only" <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chloe.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/yay.gif" alt="" />

Interesting slant you have put to this TC. I think they would need to take their inflatables to every game from now on. Then it would not look like they had only bought them cos they were going to wimbledon and were having a rare outing on a train to get to the game <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />

We dont do mcdonalds, just the beer!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
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OK it was 5 o'oclock so I had a peek. It's gone all military today. Apparently a guy from the TA's got a bit pissed at the Wombles game and kept hurling abuse at the the home fans and generally making a nusiance of himself. Obviously he wasn't a real Chelmo fan otherwise he'd have been in the SBS or SAS etc. I couldn't establish whether he was armed with a banana or something more sinister.


PS Spaceagehero's tropical fish have had babies. He's named them after the team that ran out on Saturday. The ugly one is called Craig. Congratulations anyway Waste <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" />

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