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Target 1000


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So what can WE do to try & encourage people to re-visit Hartsdown on matchdays. Can we get that figure up to a 1000 again in the future.As we all know its good to have a big crowd.The team should respond more to a larger attendance and of course it does wonders for the club in the long run with the added gate receipts.The team is now playing much better so in truth that should encourage more to attend again more reguarly but is that enough? Any ideas as to what else we can do to help achieve that 4 figure gate again on match days.The people are out there so what can we do.

More posters,more outlets,more vocal promotion of the club in the town on matchdays etc etc.I know we've been here before but IS there anything else you can think of that CAN be done to encourage more.If so can we,will we, be willing to help with this & follow any good suggestions through.I know I am up for it. How about others? Are you?

If I dont hear of any suggestions then I will assume we are all happy with the attendances we are getting.Whilst they are still above average for this league surely it wouldnt hurt to try & muster up more people to come along.

A topic for debate at the moment thats all.

Any worthwhile suggestions would be welcome.

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How about having a MFC club stall in the high street (outside Boots or Smiths) on Saturday mornings before home games. Make the stall really bright and put a big poster saying MARGATE v whoever we are playing. Add a leaflet with a map and directions, prices, maybe a picture of the ground and there you go. It will surprise you how many people in the town centre who don't even know about the football club. Not many but there are some.


AFCW gave me the idea by having a place in their shopping centre which is open during the week. I doubt having a club shop in the high street would be possible for MFC but at the very least a stall run by volunteers giving out leaflets and freebies could be a great bonus!


ps if raining then the stall could go round the other side of Boots in the undercover parade of shops.

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I don't know if the club or MISA could do it, but what about a variation on the match posters to Thanet schools' PE teachers and all the clubs in the new Thanet Sunday Premier League?

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A good thought Ti but I just that think Misa are doing their bit dont you. How about us,the ordinary (though being GATE supporters, not so ordinary) fan doing something ourselves if only to ease any pressure that Misa may be under(if they are at all that is) from raising cash for the club themselves.Of course if it were acceptable with MISA to join in on this one then all the better but at the moment suggestions only please including your original one about MISA Ti would be welcome.I shall contact MISA and ask how they are fixed.Suggestions first though. Of course if anyone would like to put things down on paper & hand them into Misa then I wouldnt think they would mind in the slightest.

Please keep them coming.

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Ti I think thats a good idea and it could be done in conjunction with several local schools. Maybe a presentation on the pitch for the best match poster. They could get free entry and take a parent or friend for free too, and be given a club shirt with their name of choice on the back (done in advance and presented to them on the pitch with the poster). Would cost £50 or so but would be a PR campaign over several local schools, letters home to parents, etc!!

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Are posters being distibuted to local schools Steve at the moment. Or is there a rule by the schools not to have ANY posters on show. I dont know. Just asking, but it is something that can be looked into more if no rules apply to hold back on them. I for one am willing to distribute either those posters that we have or indeed newly made up ones specifically for schools,to the schools. Another good suggestion,thanks Steve.

Any posters that are going around at present are made up and printed by our dear friends Peter W and Alan(the welsh one) so we would have to put it to them first for alternative designs. They do this at no cost so it would only be fair to approach them first with any alteration on design.(for schools only). I think however that SOMETHING could be worked out somewhere with this.If it not be possible for Peter W (who designs magnificently) to help out on this one then I am sure something could be worked out with this in mind to try and help with design & printing, though I would thnk Peter W would like to have a go at this.When we have more suggestions then an approach to them in the first instance will be made.Thanks again for another well thought out suggestion. Again, keep em' coming.

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And possibly see a shaved face too Phil. If it werent for that photo and you lot out there pointing him out I wouldnt have known who it was. But this is unfair,its getting personal,though done in good humour I admit. Any more SENSIBLE suggestions please. Thank you phil for your comedy spot l.o.l.

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Market stall/High street has been mentioned previously GW but a super suggestion nevertheless and one well worth looking into but if its looked into & arranged lets this time go one step further and actually DO IT instead of talking of it.But as I say its only suggestion time at the moment so keep em' comimg.Thanks GW.

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High street maybe from 10-11 or 11-12 on the day of a home match is the best option rather than a market stall Cookie. If thats what you meant has been suggested. By doing it on the morning of the match you are getting to the people that you want to get it to. People who are available on Saturdays and who won't let it slip out of their minds because it is so close to kick off.

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Yes GW your above post and its contents are what I was believing you were suggesting and am in full agreement with it. It is something that a few of us could do immediately.Its a great idea & one that I shall be looking into so that it can be introduced a.s.a.p.

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