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11.41 Miles

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As we are now in the second half of the season and the final away matches draw closer it looks like Harrow (11.41 Miles) will be the last league away game.


As is tradition, will a fans walk be taking place and will this be the game or is this too short a distance or would Braintree Town (66.23 Miles) be more suitable as this is the next to last away game?

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Well I will be walking to Harrow. It is all about the luck of the draw. Next year we could have Merthyr or Tiverton and will probably have to set off as soon as the previous week's game finishes.

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Hi there Martin i am up for the walk to Harrow and where will the walk takeplace? And where will we start from? And who ealse is doing the walk to Harrow? I think i will be able to do the walk to Harrow with you. And what type of clothes do i need to wear for the walk to Harrow? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bounce.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bow.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chat.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bigshock.gif" alt="" />

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I was thinking we should actually do it there and back.....TWICE! 11.41 indeed! Bloody lightweights!!


As the towpath idea seems like a good one (I think Roger raised this some months ago), I will have a look at the route and see where it takes us. Details should be published by the end of February.


We averaged 3mph all the way to Worthing so even if it pans out to be 15 miles then that's five hours at most. I assume there'll be LOTS of takers this year?

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I said at start of season that I'd be up for this one. Nice early start to get to Slough, and no I'm not walking from here ! I'd hope those lazy gits Wayne, Plinth and RichieRebel will do it too.

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