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Andy G update

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I had a major blurb written out concerning the posting of messages under assumed names.


Some and most are genuine, some are designed for a humerous aside (aka Judge Fred) and some are desgined to cause mischief or traffic. The latter appear to be alter egos and I was told it's called "trolling"....which say's quite a lot about those that partake in this rather devious act.


I deleted it without posting as those that "Troll" would only go "who me?" and...which, considering those that partake in "Trolling", would be no surprise.


Their winter night must fly by.

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I wasn't 'aving a go about the assumed names aka "Town Crier", "Dillbert", "GazzaBTFC"...(read the 2nd paragraph...maybe it isn't that clear) - we all do that for reasons of fun, protection of identity, whatever. A pratice which is understood, agreed and not an issue.


I was pointing out the pratice of coming up with a completely different alias and developing an alter "personality"...for whatever reason, called "trolling".


I can't see the point of it unless someone wishes to be mischievous and devious...all though, why someone would want to be here, is beyond me...we're all nice, friendly people, with a balanced arguement and opinion and welcome anyone to come and join us. As i said, I don't understand it and obviously those that partake in that particular past time have more time and imagination then is good for them.


So, in answer to the second part of your question....no, I don't think we have a problem with "trolling"...Is "Kez" a troll? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I have no idea... Is Ryan.C a troll? Definately not....


It was more of an observation of other "forums" and their practices. No criticism was meant to the users of this forum...

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Well....is spaming a derivitive of a meat substitute?


Actually, they are not really a problem...I just find the whole act a waste of time...but it isn't my time, so not really a problem.


Does make me wonder why people would do it but I suppose that question is for them to answer...


Hmmmmmm....perhaps I should register onto that forum and ask...betcha it'll be deleted. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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