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Gate in Football League on www.playforyourclub.com

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Too right Cookie. Right lads training this week is to play this internet game all day, get us into the prem and you can have your win bonus and a day off next week!


current standings

The Championship


1 Mansfield 12342025 134200 xp 0 0 0

2 Chelsea 11277825 183650 KaH 2 12 22

3 Everton 8409500 151550 APA 3 1 7

4 Blackburn 7133350 132200 jbg 0 0 1

5 Celtic 5444700 147250 sco 9 9 10

6 Birmingham 5432250 134250 jc 0 1 3

7 Darlington 4715400 118450 NJF 0 1 4

8 Margate FC 4630675 117550 CK1 0 0 0

9 AFC Wimbledon 4161675 131000 dev 0 0 1

10 Man City 3964075 110250 tre 0 0 6

11 Rangers 3720025 106900 MKM 10 9 13

12 Oldham 3582775 144825 lee 0 1 0

13 Dundee Utd 2840075 120050 GSG 1 4 8

14 Wycombe 2509075 191350 SHN 0 0 0

15 Swansea 2329625 113850 hol 0 1 1

16 Coventry 2294625 130450 geo 0 0 4

17 Walsall 2130800 110325 B C 1 0 1

18 Portsmouth 1897525 69825 ttp 0 2 0

19 Luton 632425 60650 azz 0 3 6

20 Clydebank 617375 77800 stu 0 0 0

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Whats happened!We are nearly in the bottom 3. oh dear we need to put all our pre-match excitement and enthusiasm into this!



1 Blackburn 27738350 138525 jlr 0 0 1

2 Clydebank 27437200 176150 stu 0 0 0

3 Mansfield 25182650 176300 gas 0 0 0

4 Everton 22669750 171450 AFF 3 1 7

5 Chelsea 20075725 183650 KaH 2 12 22

6 Rangers 19443325 131900 FRA 10 9 13

7 Darlington 16420275 194300 sim 0 1 4

8 Portsmouth 13236550 163400 srm 0 2 0

9 Dundee Utd 12739050 147600 C S 1 4 8

10 Luton 12467050 153600 DJW 0 3 6

11 Wycombe 12226550 191350 SHN 0 0 0

12 AFC Wimbledon 12121375 131000 dev 0 0 1

13 Oldham 11212325 150650 osw 0 1 0

14 Swansea 10412800 114350 hol 0 1 1

15 Margate FC 10392650 117550 CK1 0 0 0

16 Celtic 10177400 147250 sco 9 9 10

17 Birmingham 10049600 142175 APA 0 1 3

18 Man City 9698575 110275 AJB 0 0 6

19 Coventry 8315725 155800 J.W 0 0 4

20 Walsall 5687575 110325 B C 1 0 1

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updated scores


The Championship


1 Blackburn 32994875 138525 jlr 0 0 1

2 Mansfield 31513100 176300 gas 0 0 0

3 Everton 30565400 171450 AFF 3 1 7

4 Clydebank 28655525 176150 stu 0 0 0

5 Rangers 25708550 131900 FRA 10 9 13

6 Chelsea 23063750 183650 KaH 2 12 22

7 Darlington 19609075 194300 sim 0 1 4

8 Oldham 16766700 150650 osw 0 1 0

9 AFC Wimbledon 15654275 131000 dev 0 0 1

10 Portsmouth 15578500 163400 srm 0 2 0

11 Celtic 14498025 165000 Gor 9 9 10

12 Swansea 14408600 124600 ken 0 1 1

13 Birmingham 14192700 142175 APA 0 1 3

14 Dundee Utd 14039325 147600 C S 1 4 8

15 Wycombe 13778775 191350 SHN 0 0 0

16 Man City 13337725 117550 NAH 0 0 6

17 Margate FC 13014525 117550 CK1 0 0 0

18 Coventry 12879525 155800 J.W 0 0 4

19 Luton 12713675 153600 DJW 0 3 6

20 Walsall 7483500 132850 B C 1 0 1

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Finished 12th so we stayed up after a last day escape, Dover won promotion so will be joining us next week.


The Championship


1 Mansfield 83611450 176300 gas 0 0 0

2 Everton 80094075 171450 AFF 3 1 7

3 Blackburn 72217200 138525 jlr 0 0 1

4 Rangers 64640700 155100 FRA 10 9 13

5 Clydebank 62008500 179675 jmb 0 0 0

6 Chelsea 35208775 183650 KaH 2 12 22

7 Wycombe 32434875 191350 SHN 0 0 0

8 Oldham 31431125 155900 dbc 0 1 0

9 Coventry 31261300 203850 J.W 0 0 4

10 Celtic 30405925 165000 Gor 9 9 10

11 Darlington 29183175 194300 sim 0 1 4

12 Margate FC 27941725 129800 CK1 0 0 0

13 Man City 27751675 131200 IAN 0 0 6

14 Luton 27739825 153600 DJW 0 3 6

15 AFC Wimbledon 27108200 148025 bhp 0 0 1

16 Dundee Utd 26123125 147600 C S 1 4 8

17 Birmingham 26106125 142175 APA 0 1 3

18 Portsmouth 25629300 163400 srm 0 2 0

19 Swansea 24688350 134350 hol 0 1 1

20 Walsall 11659925 132850 B C 1 0 1

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