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Just as an experiment, why don't the club reduce the adult prices for the remaining home games to £10, since they are exploring lots of avenues in which to bolster the crowds.

I wouldn't mind betting that the income lost from the reduction (say 700 paying adults x £2= roughly £1400 - £1500 per game), would be offset by the increase in attendaces of the missing 200 (200 x £10 = £2000).

My figures are rough guestimates, no doubt some bright spark will shoot my theory down in flames, simply because they represent the club/establishment.

I simply do not see bringing in cheerleaders, kids for a quid, pre match entertainment or complimentary passes for schools as being that effective - particularly on winter evening games.

The club really have nothing much to lose - and plenty to gain. After all - paying fans through the turnstiles increases revenue elsewhere, ie programme sales, 50/50 tickets are bar sales.

If my figures were accurate, the break even figure would be about 150 on the gate.

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I was banging on about Friday nights as worth a try on another link, so I agree.

I was also at Upton Park on the Monday following the Famous CFC, shame I didn't consider the Fleet away in Dagenham, although wouldn't have fancied being stuck in a tube full of unhappy Irons!


Apologies by the way WW, few seasons back ago I said I'd be at Forest Green away, which I didn't (couldn't convince anyone to come with me) so sorry for not putting my money where my big mouth is.


Best of luck for the season for the GNFC London Branch.

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I've no idea whether it would work or not, but taking less money from each entrant but enticing more entrants, thus claiming a similar income on the gate, is certainly preferable to the current state of affairs, simply because it's better in the long term to have a bigger fanbase.

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I know there are loads of ideas being put forward atm, but another one wouldn't hurt. What about a scheme like 'Bring a Mate, Get a free pint'? Only problem is it would be difficult to track everyone who attended a match, and saw if they actually did bring a 'new' mate, or just a regular who used the free ticket. Just an idea

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Apologies by the way WW, few seasons back ago I said I'd be at Forest Green away, which I didn't (couldn't convince anyone to come with me) so sorry for not putting my money where my big mouth is.


Best of luck for the season for the GNFC London Branch.


So who did I spend the day at forest Green with then ?


The London Branch goes from strength to strength , our Xmas party has now moved from a telephone box to a bus shelter.


Up the Fleet .

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Wobbly Wayne rides again said:
Apologies by the way WW, few seasons back ago I said I'd be at Forest Green away, which I didn't (couldn't convince anyone to come with me) so sorry for not putting my money where my big mouth is.

Best of luck for the season for the GNFC London Branch.

So who did I spend the day at forest Green with then ?

The London Branch goes from strength to strength , our Xmas party has now moved from a telephone box to a bus shelter.

Up the Fleet .

More power to the London Branch! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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