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Whatever happened to free speech???

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And why is it when two people are having a discussion on the internet and one of them has nothing to say they use the phrase "oh so your off school are you ha ha ha". You don't know how old I am, you could look at my profile and see that I'm 23 and then you could think "oh he might be telling lies," but seeing how thats the only evidence you have you can't say anything to contradict it can you?

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AmericanFLEETFANNo1 said:I had PM's from some of the party hard liners telling me if i don't like it, go away! I wonder how many of the missing spectators at the Fleet have been told this before and given up without a fight.

Uncle Urchin said:your fans are leaving the club in droves and yet the deletions and forum bullying goes on...the history of these forums is littered with the destruction and reduced attendences caused by power crazed moderators

Am I the only one who finds something quite risible about the idea that this forum has some huge influence over how the club fares? It's a rather self-important notion.
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Uncle Urchin said:your fans are leaving the club in droves

What's the mathematical measurement for a drove? The exact figure is 16% down, and we haven't had any local derbies against Dagenham, Grays or Canvey yet. Many clubs attendances are down, and coming from a club who had a couple of hundred to begin with, and a couple of hundred again when the windows quite literally caved in, it seems to be a case of pot, kettle and black...
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Am I the only one who finds something quite risible about the idea that this forum has some huge influence over how the club fares? It's a rather self-important notion.

Didn't we figure on about 50 people on this forum with any regularity? I could be quite wrong lol.

Either way, I can't imagine it's that many, I doubt if this forum closed it would make much of a difference at all. Not to diminish any of the fine work that some people on here do for the club, but were this forum to close, they would go off and continue with the work as usual I'm sure.

We seem to have these little spats every couple of months on here, 2 or 3 times a year it seems. More often than not it's over some stupid thing of little consequence, more often than not it involves people who aren't fleet regulars. Sometimes you just need to bite the bullet, count to ten and ignore it, Let the thread end. After all, we should be feeling very good. We have the makings of a great team, decent enough league position, Xmas is coming and we could have a load of great games coming to us this month.

Ever onwards and ever upwards. Go Fleet
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I might not be a regular now, but i was for most of 45 years(barring shift work).In the latter 10 years i went to away matches as well, the last few on the supporters coach, as a member! The Fleet have a special place in my heart, otherwiuse i wouldn't listen to away matches and log on for their results every Saturday during the season.

I would love nothing better to be there watching live, but circumstances prevent that.

To be told by somebody that has only been going to the Fleet for 1 or 2 years i'm not a genuine fan, gets my goat(I don't mean you Chris).

The sooner a certain mod,(again not you) learn people have a right to their opinion, and don't delete threads,just because they don't agree with an opinion expressed, the better! If the club tell this moderator to do so,(as he claims) then the club is being very petty. They say they want to go full time professional, they should act that way from the top down!

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AmericanFLEETFANNo1 said:
The sooner a certain mod,(again not you) learn people have a right to their opinion, and don't delete threads,just because they don't agree with an opinion expressed, the better! If the club tell this moderator to do so,(as he claims) then the club is being very petty, and exceeding it's powers!

The most hilarious thing about this is that only ONE thread has been deleted recently, which has caused all this.


Yet again, don't let the facts get in the way of blaming FleetFanatic, eh?
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AmericanFLEETFANNo1 said:
I would love nothing better to be there watching live, but circumstances prevent that.
To be told by somebody that has only been going to the Fleet for 1 or 2 years i'm not a genuine fan, gets my goat.

I think that might have been me, oops. It was probably said in anger and I didn't mean it.
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Knowing nothing about anything, am I getting this right.


HX ressies played fleet ressies and never got a sarnie after the game.


Well then WW111 should start with immediate effect, or have I got it all wrong.


Why did someone not just stop for a kebab on the way home, thats what I do.

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MOB said:
HX ressies played fleet ressies and never got a sarnie after the game.

Well doesn't that just take the biscuit, when you put it that way it does seem to be a storm in a teacup, sandwiched between the insulting posts above are some serious comments but there are always some people who want to have their cake and eat it.
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