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Bottle Caps!


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I was going to wait until nearer the time but as the safety/stewarding debate has been re-opened...


You may recall a post where I reported that I spotted and spoke with the Fire/ Safety bloke after a recent match and he said that he would invite me to the next Safety Action Group meeting at the ground. Well he has.


I have been invited along to give a fan's perspective. The meeting is on 9th December so I will post again nearer the time to seek views/ comments for me to take to the meeting.

In the meantime if you have any views please feel free to post.


Just for info I consider that I am an ordinary fan having watched the Fleet for 40 years currently as a season ticket holder but I do have some professional H and S responsibility at work and so hope that I can contribute in some way to a debate on safety matters. However it would be great help to have as many views as possible to allow me to try to represent us all.


To be honest I was surprised to get the invitaton but as I said at the time the bloke did listen and this may be a way of getting across a different perspective of how we view the management of our safety when watching the lads.

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I too work in close contact with the Health and Safety at Work Act and it is very wide ranging, but can be quite generic in its references. Not every single occurrance may be covered specifically by the Act, and in cases like that "best practice" and "common sense" do come into play.

However, the Club does have a legal obligation to protect it's paying customers within the framework of the law, such as emnergency exits, lighting, safe walkways, tannoys and a system of backup.


As an observation, when the tannoy failed on Saturday, there was no backup procedure for issuing Stewards hand held tannoys, which to my mind was a much greater sin than a spectator accidently stepping onto a hatched "no-go" area".


The club is getting there. It takes time to get it 100% right.. We must be patient with the stewarding, but they too much use common sense.

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It's got nothing to do with the Health and Safety at work act, I'm glad the invitation has been recieved, I was told by the Fire Safety officer that it had been sent out.

The legislation is the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987. If you would like to peruse a copy of the act before the meeting, contact Thames-side Fire Safety dept on 326757 or you may like to write in and make an appointment to read it.

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Going back onto the bottle tops the steward took my mates bottle top and me being the c0cky [****!!****] i am had an quite argument <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/argue.gif" alt="" /> on why they aren't allowed.


Along with all the reasoning above, he also said that if the bottles were left on the floor with lids on then thay could be slipped over. I started to argue and said no you wouldn't but then thought about it and run away <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/whistling.gif" alt="" />

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