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Fashion's at the Fleet?


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I don't remember any actual "fights", there were some assholes who shouted abuse and stuff like that, and there was some scuffle near the end of the season at the away end, but on the whole, no fighting (although, I missed a couple of games when I was on holiday, so I may be nistaken)

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Wobbly Wayne, quality posting mate!

You’re right the casual is a massive part of terrace culture, and it simply can’t be ignored. If someone’s not part of the casual scene then it may seem strange, but the day does begin when you open your wardrobe and is about so much more that 90 minutes of play. Nothing against people who choose to wear replica shirts but it ain’t my thing. It adds to the buzz of going football if you know that the clobber your wearing has set you back a couple of hundred quid, and that you have spent a few hours hunting down exclusive labels or that old school pair of trainers that your going to be wearing before your mates.


If someone ain’t a casual then fine, but to ignore a culture that’s been going on in British football since the days of Pringle and Tacchini clad youths in the early eighties right through to the Aquascutum and Stone Island wearers of today would be madness.



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been going on in British football since the days of Pringle

Pringle? Aren't they all kinda comfortable pastel-coloured V-neck sweaters, plus-fours and other golfing-related ensemble?

What next, the Fleet faithful with leather-patched elbows and deerstalkers? shocked.gif
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great to see so many mature posters who can't help thinking their funny.....why spoil a good post?? hat off to wobbly wayne & DA11, casual & terrace culture is what footballs all about, certainly not about familys(i.e women & girls), father & son stuff all the way.........

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Shrews Loyal?


How old are you?


If over 14, how sad are you?


Bored closed season ramblings about terrace fashions, after drinking dining etc = a propensity for "scuffles." Yeah right, show us your Mensa card.


We're grown ups down here. Fighting is for infants & juveniles. If you're neither of these, don't come to Stonebridge Road. We don't sufer fools easily.


Graham S


PS to more sensible posters. For post match celebrations, nothing beats a drink or two in the Jolly Drayman & Crown & Thistle, followed by a cheeky little number in The Ghandi.



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terrace culture is what footballs all about


I think you missed the point - football is a broad church and long may it remain so. That is what makes it interesting..


We do have a few casual dressers at the Fleet , and I welcome that (although I am not one, and those of you that know me , will certainly vouch for that , the only thing that I have ever been described as casual at, is my attitude to work !!) , as non league clubs like ourselves ( especially those within an hour or so, of many prem and Nationwide clubs) are often seen as Anorak hang outs. The introduction of younger trendier faces down the ' Road , will help us spread the word further, and hopefully help us increase our gates.


But we also remain one of the friendliest clubs around, and long may it remain so, even when we start to achieve much bigger gates,


The Fleet is a broad church, and getting broader by the season.


Live and let live - Lets welcome all



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Pringle? Aren't they all kinda comfortable pastel-coloured V-neck sweaters, plus-fours and other golfing-related ensemble?


You must be an afficiardo of the Casual movement to have made that observation. Original casuals took their clothing from the so called 'middle class' sports of Golf and tennis.it was a sign that they were better than the other working class footie fan.

Hence the leaning towards brands like Pringle, Lyle and Scott, Sergio Tacchini, Fila and Ellesse in the early days.


thats probably bored most of you, but I find it interesting !!



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Footballs being trivialised by people and the passion and emotion that existed on the terraces is being driven out. Take a look at the Premiership and see how bland the atmposphere can be. Nationwide Divisions are going the same way.

If lads want to wear latest labels then so be it. If people care enough to maintain labels in GNFC then so be it.


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Couldn't agree more with Wobbly Wayne's view.


I remember when Football Fans were known for there dressers and fashions which makes a Saturday afternoon more intersting then giving polite applause to a misdirected header by someone in a red shirt.


Football is a tribal thing and always will be.

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At least there are a few people on this forum now who are proving to any neutral supporters that our fan base and message board are not made up entirely of train spotters of anoraks.


ditto DA11........for me the average poster on this board a. Partakes in the 'art' of model railways

b. Goes on family bike rides. c. watches songs of praise with a nice cuppa. d. turns the lights out whilst having sex(only for reproductive purposes).

Thank you.....


Couldn't agree more Chaps. Thats the sad part of it all, many an occasion I have endured the sickening sights of Anoraks amongst GNFC. Are you sure your Shrewsbury? It sounds like your used to it down here.


Quack Quack

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