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Some of the English team really piss me off , cant stand the manager, cant stand the constant hype around it all, and cant stand the millions of 'real' football fans that come out of the woodwork when theres an England game on.


But of course still want them to win... Unless a Fleet player was in the oppo. And then club would probably come before country.



So may have been different if Roy was selected for NI. As thats probably as close as one as we are going to get.



Up the Fleet...

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Harry J Allstars said:
Tommorrow for the Ash's I'll be supporting England.

I am 7/8s English and am proud of that fact but had never seen them play. I was just an armchair fan. In that respect I can change my team whenever I want.

You see thats the trouble with armchair support.....

But seriously at the end of the day it's like having to choose between Coronation Street and Eastenders. I'm bored with Eastenders now so I want to watch Coronation Street.

Utter rubbish. You can't pick and choose your nationality.
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As an englishman out watching the cricket tommorrow we do not want your support. go support irelan, ohdear you missed out on worldcup qualification. oh well you will have to wait becaus after al;l yourgreat aunts nan was out walking her irish wolfhound one day and trod on a potatoe whilstdrinking a pint of guiness you are a cascarino (or an irishman).

you are abloodsucker looking to be a bigfish in a little pond. alas yourconduct proves you to be a little fish in a small pond. why crave recognition for being a martyr??? whoop fciking doop you left the bridge. stop going on about it paddy.


Armchairsupport, do me a favour. Hospital support morelike ,as in the hospital lies on englands green and pleasant land therefore you are english. Be proud of your country of birth and look for some recognition for something you have actually done rather than try and prey on others clubs or steal whole other nations footie teams..

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What is Fleet Fanatics problem.


Judging by what a you are saying , is that harry should support England and no one else.


What is wrong with watching quality football.


I support Gravesend. I watch England despite it being painful , but I want entertainment. England are not providing it at the moment.


I watch Barcelona and Real madrid on TV regulalrly . Last Sunday , I watched Brazil destroy Chile inside 30 mins.


Just because I am not a brazillian refugee who once lived in spain does not prevent me from watching these teams.


Cos harry has made a comment you start piping off. He has rejected england. his choice. He watches ROI , his choice. Dont ridicule him.


There are many many disillusioned England Supporters tonight and those loyal will get behind the team and managers decision.

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I didnt say I was brazillian.


I said I watched brazil.


Fleet Fanatic was waffling on about picking and choosing nationality. Harry has chosen Ireland.


Tomorrow he will be supporting England , the same as a lot of non english living in England. It snot his fault that The ashes doesnt involve ireland. He wants England to win and good on him for that.

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Riverview Supporter said:
What is wrong with watching quality football.

I watch Barcelona and Real madrid on TV regulalrly . Last Sunday , I watched Brazil destroy Chile inside 30 mins.

Just because I am not a brazillian refugee who once lived in spain does not prevent me from watching these teams.

Cos harry has made a comment you start piping off. He has rejected england. his choice. He watches ROI , his choice. Dont ridicule him.

Ah the art of twisting the truth.
We never said there was anything wrong with WATCHING other teams.

But when an Englishman rejoices in his national side getting beaten then something is seriously wrong.

Harry did just that.

So excuse me if I don't offer an apology, being an Englishman rather miffed about his comments.
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Riverview Supporter said:
Tomorrow he will be supporting England , the same as a lot of non english living in England. It snot his fault that The ashes doesnt involve ireland. He wants England to win and good on him for that.

Oh please..... tonight he's Irish, yet tomorrow he's English?

Now which Scandanavian country will he be from when the skiing is on the tv?
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AmericanFLEETFANNo1 said:
Harry J Allstars said:
Shut up.

I don't support Northern Ireland, I support ROI who lost tonight to France.

Where did anyone mention Northern Ireland?
Have posts been deleted?

Ah.........All is revealed, Harry was multi(well double)-tasking on Configuide and got mixed up!
You made your choice of teams Harry, and you have every right too!
I probably have as much chance with USA as you do with ROI........Up the underdogs!
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Harry says he's 7/8 ths English-the other 1/8 must be twatish. "I support ROI today 'cos I'm wearing green pants-oooh Chelsea are top of the league I think I'll support them today-ooh England are going to win the ashes I think I'll support them". How old are you-ten?

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FleetFanatic said:
Riverview Supporter said:
Tomorrow he will be supporting England , the same as a lot of non english living in England. It snot his fault that The ashes doesnt involve ireland. He wants England to win and good on him for that.

Oh please..... tonight he's Irish, yet tomorrow he's English?

Now which Scandanavian country will he be from when the skiing is on the tv?

Well i am english but support Norway because they give us a Christmas Tree
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Just a thought here, but i for one do not believe you have to spend money on watching your team to justify being called a fan.(previous thread by harry). I watch England on the screen when ever they play, i buy any new shirts they produce and extra,s,i also have and always will have a eye cast on the well doings of the scottish football and rugby teams.(sad i know).


Harry, i quote...Darren I don't support England and haven't done for some time.


Ireland are my team but are losing to France.



You cannot just stop supporting a team, and change to another, because for what ever reason, now that is what i call fickle, regarding of results, you should always be proud of your home land through thick and thin, the same as i hope you will be with the fleet.


Harry you [****!!****]......... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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Harry J Allstars said:
Darren I don't support England and haven't done for some time.

Ireland are my team but are losing to France.

Harry, you really have let the 'cat out of the bag'.

No wonder you are so pro-Daish........All Paddys togther eh!

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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Ha what a great little thread.


COE, Fleetfanatic, Hornet and anyone else that wants to have a go I CHOOSE to follow who I follow. The word is not support, it never was as I never did anything to support the national side (like pay money so I couldn't say that I support them.


Oh the thing about following England in one sport and not in another this is just tough. Many people have their favourite sport and choose to follow England in that sport alone, this is not uncommon so lets not pretend it is.


Supporting or following the England national team has nothing to do with national pride, will people please stop pretending that it has. I don't follow England in Rugby, Football, Golf, Tennis, Surfing, Croquet or Tiddlywinks yet it doesn't stop me from being any more proud of my nation and the people that have served it.


I still take great pride in Nelson, Churchill, Brunel, or war dead, Kings and Queens of the past and many others that have served this nation well.


I'm only following England in the Cricket becuse theres so much hype. So therefore you could call me a glory hunter, however win, lose or draw the Ashes and I'll go back to not carring about Cricket again.


I could play for Ireland if I wasn't too good so I decided to support a team I could feel proud in.


Harry J Allstars peeing into the wind.

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Jeff said:
Harry J Allstars said:
Darren I don't support England and haven't done for some time.

Ireland are my team but are losing to France.

You really are a grade A twat Harry!
Give it a year and I bet you won't support the Fleet anymore.

Jeff calls some else a Twat on this forum and gets away with it. How many is that Jeff? Ticking them off are you.

David Holden would this be allowed to stand if it involved me and Mikefleet?
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