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Dorchester Away 17th September

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The hooded man called me last night as he was getting scared during the big thunder storm (I kid you not) and we aggreed to make Dorchester away a bit of a big one, he seems up for it and I'm going to drum some support up especially as we sit nicley in the play offs playing some top football.


Leave your thoughts here!


Can this be made sticky please Mr Zeal?

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Laz EFM said:
If this is going to be one of those outings where everyone swallows alchoholic fluids and talks crap then I'm not going.

I thought that was Zeal saying that for a moment there!!
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Electric ~soul~ said:
YELLOW said:
I thought that was Zeal saying that for a moment there!!

I've no problem with people getting pissed, YELLOW.

It's other substances that you don't like!!
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Well I'm off the powder due to the fact it's expensive so nothing will be coming with me. Intresting listening to the countrys top brain expert on TalkSport on Saturday night talking about ecstacy and how he's recommended to the government that it be declassed as it doesn't have any long term effects.


Villa is 5.45 k/o Zeal surly a private jet could get you to both <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


Be good to get a bit of a crowd to this, maybe if you tell Lucy now Costello and offer to stay in for a fortnight either side she might let you.

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EFM The Firm, The Voice said:
Well I'm off the powder due to the fact it's expensive

That wasn't what they were saying on the news tonight!!
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Yeah fair bit on the news about Ketamine. Apparantly there's a flood of esctasy tablets coming in from China. Quite a bit being made that these are being sold so cheaply schoolkids can afford them with their pocket money!!


Looks like another media overreaction!!

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I'd much prefer my son dabble with alcohol at the age of fourteen than with ecstacy or cocaine.


Still, I dare say we all have different standards.


Intresting listening to the countrys top brain expert on TalkSport on Saturday night talking about ecstacy and how he's recommended to the government that it be declassed as it doesn't have any long term effects.


Couldn't give a fk whether is has long-term effects or not. It's the short-term effects that turn my mates into gormless, boring mongs that deters me. From a) trying it, and B) wanting to spend time with them.

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I think that the majority teenagers have more sense than do ecstacy or cocaine. I personally would never do them and a lot of my mates wouldn't either. And the majority of teenagers do drink alcohol on a Friday or Saturday night, and a large percentage of them can't handle their alcohol and end up causing no trouble at all.


But then there is obviously a percentage that once they have had a drink, all they want to do is cause trouble and smash windows etc

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