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Two home games to get behind the Gate...


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Watching the amount of non league stuff as I do during the season, I cant believe it that its only the 5th September and people seem to be getting restless already.


On the playing side, I know that CK is a magician and has taken "ordinary" sides before and tinkered with them over time and turned them into Championship sides, but the optimum word there is TIME. OK, my only trip to Hartsdown thurs far was on opening day when I had the honour (and it was an honour) to commentate on Leon's goal - a goal that will live on the clubs history... You must remember (and I know that most Gate fans do) everyone must appreciate what the club has achieved simply by playing at Hartsdown again! Even I was lost for words when seeing the old place look like a football ground again after hearing so many horror stories in the summer. So please a plea from the heart - give the new players a chance to fit into the CK way and I'm sure that they wont let you down.


With two contrasting home games coming up this week (Fisher and Cowes Sports), what a way to put down a marker to everyone else in the League if both games were won with 12 men - the crowd being the 12th man! Beating Fisher on Tuesday will be tough (many "observers" tell me that they've spent money and looking good - sounds like a Worcester side I saw an "unfancied" Margate destroy a few years ago!


I remember when Hartsdown was a fortress that sides feared playing - the slope may have gone but why should the atmosphere? After all, there is always a non league side that goes a long way in the Cup isnt there. As with the League upsets, CK knows how to get a side into the FA Cup "proper" in November - why cant they do it again?


The euphoria of the return is now dying down - now is the time to show true colours and get behind the boys and show them just how much you all appreciate what the club has achieved in the past couple of months. What batter way than to roar the Gate to two wins this week? I cant think of a better way - can you???


After all CK has achieved the impossible before - the miracle this time may take a bit longer...

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I presume that is you Mike, above.I am sure the vast majority if not all true Margate fans agree with you on nearly all counts. I can see where you think we are all having a go at the players. Regardless of whats happened there will always be fans coming away from a game saying "He didnt play well" or "He had a cracker". That will always happen as will people take a liking to some players and vice-versa, no matter how much we feel just so grateful to be back home. But back home we are and now we must start thinking about the on-field improvements. No-one seems to be having ago at CK and in fact the majority dont seem to have criticised him with his selection of the new players at all. We realise the difficulties in getting good players in at the moment. We are all happy to see the results improve,in time. We understand all that,with the team re-building etc but talking about players attitudes,performances,style of play etc will always be mentioned after matches.

Its nice of you to come on here and give us your views and support and knowledge and the one thing I will agree with you on completely is that we DO have to keep getting behind the players despite results.That means at the least we continue to turn up at matches.Its not always easy sometimes to do but just by attending must give those players and our manager a lift alone.

That is a must, but as fans, we will always talk about players away from the ground, good or bad yet,at the next match we will and normally are applauding those same players on to the pitch and during the game too.

Despite our individual comments on individual players the whole team, even those we talk of who come out from that changing room as OUR team get that support. That support is for EVERY player wearing a "GATE shirt".

Again it was good of you to come on here and take the time to post and I expect we will all see you there tommorrow night to commentate on our FIRST HOME game under the "new lights". Should be worth coming for various reasons tomorrow night.Could do with a plug for this particular game under the lights by your fellow workmates during the day tomorrow. Will be listening in!

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Give us all that link again then James please if you dont mind as to where we can see that advert? Will it be on here for us to see, and who else will get to hear and see this publicity for the game tomorrow night via Simon Moores?

Thanks for doing that by the way and thanks to MR.Moores too.

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Its http://www.thanetlife.com . Its not up quite yet but Ill let you know when it does go up. The message will appear on the site as part of his daily posting so anyone who goes on the site will see it.


The message is


"Perhaps you could mention that Margate will be having its first floodlit game of the season against Fisher Athletic tomorrow (Tuesday) at Hartsdown Park. Kick off is 7.45pm and we hope to have a large crowd. Fisher Athletic are seen to be one of the teams to watch out for this season so we need as many people as possible to come and cheer on the Gate.


Id also like to say that Margate FC promotes the Golden Gate Lottery, a local based lottery which helps good causes as well as Margate FC. By joining the Golden Gate Lottery, you can get discounts on goods and services in the local area as well as helping the local community. For more information go to the website at http://goldengatelottery.margate-fc.com/index.php or call Margate FC on 01843 221769."

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I must admit James that I hadnt heard of Thanet life before you drew my attention to it. Who else is in the know? What I am trying to say is how far afield does this site get to for this message to be seen? Good coverage though but just hope many others visit to see it also.

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The site gets some good traffic. Its had 26,000 visits since it opened. Anybody can get to it as long as they have internet access. The word does appear to be spreading. More people are coming to the site as time passes. Since the General Election more people have been posting on local issues, namely the Turner Contemporary and licensing. It has potential.


This isnt the only way we can get publicity. One of us could send a letter to the Gazette or other local papers every so often advertising the upcoming game or advertising the Golden Gate Lottery. No one has written into the paper yet to thank the people for welcoming Margate FC back home yet. Weve got to think up original ways. Its only small things but they all add up.


By the way...its up on the site now.

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Did that very thing this morning James.You must be psychic! Also asked for a mention tomorrow in Thanet Times though my request may have been to late for publishing. However I am sure they would have had this in hand anyway.

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You never know. You might get lucky. Im sure they can kick out a letter for one week. They tend to be the same letter writers there anyway. If you send it to the Gazette now itll be in for Friday. Also try the Kent on Sunday and the KM Extra. I can PM you the email addresses if you want. Even the KoS gets some Thanet letters each week. I dont really read the paper but I read the letters pages.

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"One of us could send a letter to the Gazette or other local papers every so often advertising the upcoming game or advertising the Golden Gate Lottery."


Why do that if the game is mentioned on the sports pages?

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Sorry James. I misread your post.I didnt send a letter but an e.mail to re-inforce the added attraction tomorow night about the floodlights being used for this first evening game and for them to mention that in Thanet Times.

And as for the immediate post above it dosent hurt to mention things JUST in case they have been overlooked. Better to do that than feel sorry it wasnt done AFTER the event.Letters page also is something many many people read.Any publicity no matter how many times its mentioned or where its mentioned is got to be good.

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Either way works, cookie. Its all publicity.


For the anonymous, The papers dont point out very clearly when the next game is. I dont think it hurts though just to write in to the paper to say "Come to the game"...whats the worst that can happen...they dont print it. We can do that to thank people for their continued support during the season, or perhaps to advertise events that are happening. Perhaps mention that they can join the MISA. Thats not been done yet.


We have to keep pushing. We cant just rely on what people thought at the Carnival, we need to keep reminding them that the club exists and that they can play a part of its success.

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