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Eton Manor 2 Romford 1

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I'll start off by saying their was great spirit between the management, players and fans of both clubs. Great banter between the benches and it's clear there is a great bond between both clubs.


Both management teams thought the officials were poor tonight. The female linesman struggled to keep up with play which is not her fault when most male officials can't. The Romford forwards were constantly offside and were ofsdie for the goal. I also thought the Romford player who called her a slag after the penalty award was bang out of order and was lucky not to be sent off. The ref was very young and made lots of really poor decisions. Its lucky both sets of players were disciplined because if it got out of control the ref would have been lost. Apparently he is getting fast tracked but he needs to spend a bit more time in the ESL because if he goes any higher he could be in trouble. I think when you have someone who is younger than nearly all the players it creates a problem. The male linesman as better but still made some curious decisions. Lets just say if we had lost or drew I would be seething.


As for the game Manor were dominant. We must have had 60/70% possession and about 15-20 chances. Romford had 1 or 2 but they had two great chances when they went 2-1 down. Luckily for us they didn't find the back of the net. What's most pleasing is the quality of football we are playing. Manor were missing a few players and it just shows what a great squad we have. Doc and Ade on the bench, Smythy, Monster and Chris Hammond injured and Steve Richards and Marshy away. The competition for places, I think, is making us play much better. The team spirit is great and need I say it, the Management Team are doing a great job! Ha ha.


I really hope we can keep this going so that we can have much needed and deserved success at the club. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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Please dont react but Romford are not the best this year by their own admission, they have lost a lot of players.....good luck and I hope the momentum carries you forward but keep your feet on the ground. Reggie where are you, I need to know if I have to get in training for the Super Vets this year?

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I totally agree abbey.Its probably the least strongest Romford I've seen for a long time but they were not that bad! I'm not getting carried away, I remember our 6-1 victory last year against Concord on the first weekend of the season! Its just nice to be playing good football and its probably the best side we're had in the last 3 years. I'm realistic about our aims but I think we should finish in the top 6-8 places and hopefully do well in a cup or 2.

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