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Lee Signs...

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PSV Eindhoven defender Lee Young-Pyo has signed for Tottenham, his agent said on Wednesday.

The South Korea international is set to sign a four-year contract after a medical at White Hart Lane on Tuesday.


"As soon as Lee receives a work visa he will have an official ceremony to mark his joining the team," said Chin Sung-won, Lee's Seoul-based agent.


South Korea's KBS TV news reported that the fee for the 28-year-old player would be about £1.37m.


He is the second Dutch-based South Korean player to move to the Premiership after former PSV Eindhoven team mate Park Ji-Sung joined Manchester United in June.


Lee and Park were signed for PSV by Guus Hiddink after the Dutchman led South Korea to the semi-finals of the 2002 World Cup.


The two Koreans helped PSV win the Dutch title and reach the Champions League semi-finals last season.

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FLY ON THE WALL - Fat Freddie's Office



Freddie Sheppard’s Office.


August 30th 2005 9:23a.m.


Michael Owen and Jonathan Holmes enter Freddie Sheppard’s office.


Fat Freddie “Michael and Jonathan, Welcome please take a seat as you can see from the contract in front of you we are prepared to pay exactly what you were on at Real Madrid. I hope this shows how much we value you”.


Alan Shearer “Don’t worry Michael I run things here. I have made sure that the only team that can sign you is us. Here have my number nine shirt – It’s yours now, by the way did I tell you…. you’re the greatest”.


Alan winks at Michael.


Michael Owen “I hope that wasn’t a gay wink Alan I have heard some very bad things about you from Woody”.


Alan Shearer “That is just sour grapes Michael – I decide who comes and goes here and Woody was not good enough so I sent him packing. Isn’t that right Freddie”.


Fat Freddie nods at Michael and Jonathan.


Jonathan Whispers to Michael.


Michael Owen “How about some clauses based on the success of the club during my time here? I’m sure you can understand that I don’t want to get into a situation where I am in a team that isn’t winning anything”


Fat Freddie “Michael this is Newcastle United we are a massive club with a history of Winning things and fantastic support, you can be assured of winning many things here.”


Michael Owen “So when was the last time Newcastle won something??”


After a long pause and silence the conversation continued….


Fat Freddie “1969 Michael”


Mr. Sourness “Look Michael see that picture on the wall that was the UEFA Cup winning team of 1969. Great isn’t it”.


Michael Owen “It’s in black and white Graeme”


Fat Freddie “Graeme can you go make me some more tea please before I get angry and remember it is August”


Mr. Sourness “Yes Sir”.


Alan Shearer “Two sugars for me Graeme”.


Mr. Sourness “O.K. Boss”.


Graham scurries out the room.


Whispering can be heard between Jonathan and Michael.


Michael Owen “Can we have a break to think about it and discuss my options in private”


Fat Freddie “Sure Michael, you and Jonathan go ahead I will get my assistant to fix you a nice cup of tea”


Fat Freddie shouts out “GRAEME GET IN HERE”


Michael and Jonathan leave the room.




Michael Owen “Hi Rick its Michael here... listen you haven’t been able to change Rafa’s mind have you?? Did you know that Newcastle have not won anything since 1969? I wasn’t even born back then”.


Rick Parry “I’m sorry Michael but Rafa does not want to bid more than 12 million for you and Real Madrid won’t back down. Newcastle have priced us out the market”


Michael Owen “Their must be something I can do?? I really don’t want to sign for this lot!”


Rick Parry “We only sold you for eight million Michael how can we possibly agree to pay more than double that just a season later?” I tell you what get Newcastle to add a few clauses in such as a lack of winning anything clause. That will be activated for sure next summer or a 12 million move on clause come the end of next season”


Michael Owen “You promise to come back for me this time next year?”


Rick Parry “Yes sure for 12 million your worth every penny and by that time we will have got rid of Cisse. Put in the clause and we will activate it next August after the World Cup”.


Michael Owen “O.k. me and Jonathan will tell them now”


Rick Parry “Speak soon Michael... Call me for support if it gets too depressing up there”.


Michael Owen “Will do Rick and thanks”.




Jonathan Holmes “O.k. Michael there are 3 clauses I have added here, one is relegation which might be activated and one is for team mates not fighting you again possible. The third one is the fee release. God they really are desperate aren’t they”


Michael Owen “They sure are Jonathan”.


Michael Owen and Jonathan Holmes enter Freddie Sheppard’s Office.


Mr. Sourness gets down on one knee.


Michael Owen“There really is no need for that Graeme I have decided to sign”


Fat Freddie “You have?”


Michael Owen “Yes I have. We have added three small clauses that’s all, there is nothing to worry about”


Fat Freddie “Great lets sign right now then”


Mr. Sourness “Are you going to read that first Freddie??”


Fat Freddie “Don’t be silly Graeme we trust Michael here what could have changed that would cause a long term problem?”


Mr. Sourness “Sorry Freddie, would you like a cup of tea at all?”


Fat Freddie “Yes Graeme and remember there are still 48 hours left in August”


Michael Owen “4 years isn’t it?”


Fat Freddie “Yes Michael and then we will offer you an improved contract and club captaincy”.


Michael Owen “Please sign the circle around season one as well Freddie”.


Fat Freddie “Will do Michael”.


Michael winks at Jonathan.


Alan Shearer “It’s going to be like Old times Michael”


Michael Owen “You mean not winning anything Alan?”


Silence once again….


The scribbling of Signatures can be heard….


Later that day on the way to the Hotel.


Michael Owen “Jonathan what was all that about August and tea between Freddie and Graeme?? Also what are we going to say in the press conference everyone knows I didn’t want to come here”?


Jonathan Holmes “It is because Newcastle sack there managers in August Michael. Don’t worry you will only be here 12 months. We will tell the fans you are a lifelong fan and that the fans made you want to come, we will make it work. Press conference is scheduled for midday tomorrow”.


Michael Owen “O.k. great we can work out some cool things to impress the fans later, they really were desperate weren’t they Jonathan?”


Jonathan Holmes “Bunch of mugs Michael still always remember to smile. 12 months to go”.


Michael Owen “This is going to be one long year….”

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