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Putting on the "Glitz"


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I see that according to KP, CK dosent like things of this nature happening at the ground. Brass/silver/forces Bands,cheerladies,any kind of

entertainment pre-kick off and mid match. Taking into account the many kids and women now attending do others,like me,feel something in this nature would go down well with these new supporters as well as with the many regular supporters who attend. Would it not encourage more to come? How can it hurt the teams preparations? Maybe pre-match I agree but what about at half-time .Where would the harm be done in amusing the crowd with something of this nature. WE used to have similar things years ago so why not now.The cost would be very light and possibly "free" in some cases as some of these acts etc would only be too happy to publicise their talents to a live crowd. Football matches nowadays are not merely for the football and if it lures ladies and children into the ground then it surely can only be a good thing. It would be nice to be able to keep these people coming again and again despite whats happening in the game. In fact something in this nature could possibly help to maintain that support and also encourage others to come. Something to amuse the public at half-time i.m.o would go down well. We are always harping on about this club being a "family" club and it is, but would'nt the "glitz" welcome even more families to the ground. Something to look forward to for those females and children at half-time. Not to mention some of us men, me included.

I would like to hear your views on this one please.

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It is the way YOU put it, but where is that comment made above or are you just an argumentative nit-picking person.This is a serious and unbiased thread and one that is looking for serious replies.Please try and get your facts right before posting.

Now do you have something constructive to add?

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[color:"blue"]Sorry have to disagree with you there Cookie, I think that Steve in the PA box has got the music mixture right, and that a brass band would be a step back to the 1960's. Remember going to Upton Park as a kid and shuddering at the awfulness of their brass band .. what'd we get ? - the Salvation Army no, no, NO, NO !!!


Cheerleaders ... some kind of American nonsense .. why do we try to copy (badly) almost everything the Yanks do ?


And a big NO to some fat bloke in a silly Mascot outfit. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just bloody embarrassing.

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I have to go along with Peter here, Cookie. For me it is enough to watch the lads warming up, and then spend the half time either chatting to people, or getting to grips with the bar/food queue, or perusing the programme. And then there is the shop (couldn't get in it yesterday!) The whole matchday has a magic to it, walking up to the ground , the expectation, the smell of the turf and the linament (Calm down...) this is football. Cheerleaders is a tacky American thing that does not belong on our hallowed turf.

From my girlie perspective the biggest turn off is herds of testosterone filled tribal gents chanting obscenities and thank goodness we don't have any of this at our club and I hope we never will.

The game's the thing, the attraction and the passion and I do not think we need to put any added value in it, it already has enough.

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I agree with Cookie, and think that CK has to accept that MFC are a business nad businesses need income.


Agree no 'marching bands' but would go along with anything to get the crowds in-eg-a junior pre-match game across the pitch/penaly comps etc.


If the club can get people in for 2pm and stay for 3 hours that is real value for money for your £10 entrance fee, and will get people to spend more at the club on beer/food /coffee/club shop etc,

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Obviously I used the "cheereleaders" and "brass bands" as an example and I was thinking more in terms of "updated" versions of entertainment for the match, whatever they may be. However it was only open for discussion and others points are valid though, sorry Paul but I think half-time entertainment,if in the right mode, dosent have to be tacky at all. We are talking "family" club after all so why not "family" entertainment.Would something of this nature not have more families wanting to attend.It needs to be an afternoon out for EVERYBODY, not just for football fanatics.

This thread was merely only to discuss another possible outlet, that could possibly maintain & improve attendances and if others feel it would NOT help then so be it. It wont be down to us anyway, though it has to be said that KP does look in here on a regular basis and if we can conjure up ideas, old or new, that may have him thinking then all well & good. Hiya Keith!!!

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PeterW said:

And a big NO to some fat bloke in a silly Mascot outfit. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just bloody embarrassing.

Very harsh i always enjoyed buster blood vessel's crowd pleasing antics <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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Hopefully some additional speakers will have been installed at the Coffin End of the ground to improve the sound in the seated stand and at the bottom. From now on, it shouldn't be as loud in the Harstdown Road stand.


Just a point from a "PA" perspective on "entertainment". There is quite a bit of stuff that has to be announced: welcomes, sometimes special guests too, sponsors, draw etc. So whatever entertainment happens will need to fit in around that.


Having said that, I don't see why there couldn't be room at half time in principle.

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Not at Redbridge but can we squeeze in a few more half times.


Noticed at Maldon it was mainly local sides,but maybe you had a bit more time at Redbridge game


Just wonder whether you could do Premiership,and conf national( i think many of us still relate and aspire to that)


Guess its a question of where do you stop, but other clubs manage to read out quite a few which i guess they get via teletext or web

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Why not try a penalty competition against a reserve keeper (if you have one). Invites from kids under 16, select 4 for the day, give 'em free admission (mum, Dad, brothers,sisters and hangers on will all pay to see little Jimmy on the hallowed turf) then the best of 5 penalties. The winner gets a signed shirt and ball, the rest certificates.

Costs b****r all to stage, should add 30 on the crowd (£200+) keeps the crowd entertained, and is good for encouraging youngsters back.

If you do try it, let us know so we can have a go.

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Chatham Gary said:
Why not try a penalty competition against a reserve keeper (if you have one). Invites from kids under 16, select 4 for the day, give 'em free admission (mum, Dad, brothers,sisters and hangers on will all pay to see little Jimmy on the hallowed turf) then the best of 5 penalties. The winner gets a signed shirt and ball, the rest certificates.
Costs b****r all to stage, should add 30 on the crowd (£200+) keeps the crowd entertained, and is good for encouraging youngsters back.
If you do try it, let us know so we can have a go.

Great idea CG. I really don't see why this couldn't be arranged. A good opportinuty to give some of the youth team lads and the ladies team (must be PC) a bit of a stage once in a while.

Even if this is just once a month or so with say a 'lucky 5' or 'lucky 10' of them randomly drawn out for the day.
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MM, trying to sort that. I have radio but RK have been really slow with the Prem scores. I may try 5 live.

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