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Hall, Allen, Baldwin, Gant, Hall, Penn, Green, Hall, Howard, Hammatt, Morgan, Smith, Negus, Riley, Brotherton, Campbell.


Gate 343


Glorious blue skies over Brimsdown 30 degree heat and a game of football. Town began positively with a Steve Baldwin cross headed just wide by Dean Green. Richard Howard cross headed into the arms of the keeper. Town then had a lovely corner which whipped in with Bryan Hammatt and Graeme Hall just missing contact from what would have been lovely goals had they connected. Bryan Hammatt was the victim of a quite a rough washing line tackle. Johnny Morgan ran and Bryan Hammatt was increasingly forcing panic in the GWR defence. Corner with Dean Green heading again just wide. Another corner with Dean Green heading just wide. Anyone detecting a pattern yet? Then Dean Green forced another save with Marrable at full stretch to deny him. David Allen was running down the wing and displaying silky skills. Richard Howard then hit a swivel volley against the post. Is this ball ever going to go in that net? Johnny Morgan then hit a shot from the touch line at an impossible angle and it was going for the very top corner before the keeper got a hand there. Johnny Morgan Shot saved by the keeper. And again a Dean Green header just wide. At the other end Adam Gant and David Allen pulled off crucial tackles. Steve Baldwin did a lovely run which won a free kick. Not to be forgotten Rudi Hall shot just over the bar. 0 – 0 at half time. Should have been 12 – 0 by half time if all the best chances had gone in.


The GWR goalkeeper failed to come out for the second half and then there was a hunt around for a goalkeeper’s jersey that didn’t look like a referee’s jersey. Eventually Dave Hudson (Formerly of Hendon) went between the sticks. Matt Reid also came on for the GWR no 8. GWR pushed up and so Town took Steve Baldwin off and brought Lee Smith. But for the next 15 minutes the back three wobbled as they lost their shape. GWR scored only for the Referee to point out the offside flag. Eventually the great town servant Lee Smith tenaciously attacked and shot against the post and the rebound hit Bryan Hammatt and went in the net. 1 – 0. Thank you Lee. Dean Green Off, Bryan Hammatt off and Matty Negus on Bradley Brotherton on. Matty Negus skied a shot over the bar. Richard Howard and Lee Smith complimented each other well bringing different attacking skills to their partnership. A header from Lee Smith was saved by the keeper. At the other end Chopper was saving. Johnny Morgan just missed. Chopper then saved twice. Richard Howard made a solo effort which went just wide.


If you can finish this badly and still win then a top <a href="half%20table" onmouseover="window.status='half table'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">half table</a> finish is a possibility.


With a GWR player struggling at the end from the heat I think a few more water breaks might have been a good idea ref? The GWR Keeper went off suffering from the heat too allegedly!

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We wore the first keeper out and the replacement was a better keeper anyway.

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yep, replacement keeper was better.


So, it was 0-0 and ETFC couldn't find the back of the GWR net. Jim decides to throw caution to the wind. He takes off (a clearly very dissappointed) Steve Baldwin and brings on Lee Smith with the formation changing to a 3-4-3. We then score and Negus and Brotherton come on for Hammatt and Green. Jim got away with it.


Steve Baldwin should never have been the player to come off - he had looked solid and had worked very hard. If a defender had to be substituted it should have been Graeme Hall. Eventually Jim will realise that hes going to have to drop Hall, but Baldwin may leave before he does so.


Wouldn't it be nice to have (a young) Gary Abbott in the side to put away John Morgan's crosses?!

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Gonzo said:
.......Jim got away with it.

AGAIN!! long may his luck remain, but we mere mortals know it wont.

......If a defender had to be substituted it should have been Graeme Hall. Eventually Jim will realise that hes going to have to drop Hall, but Baldwin may leave before he does so.

Gonzo, you me & 99% of Towners know that, how long can JC be loyal to some players yet snub others more deserving?
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The Frank Mussobinis of our world has recognised the improvement in quality of the new league and have built their vision around the Harold Abraham sorts with the technical skills.


I like many others on the terraces still believe that there is a place for the Eric Liddells of this world (who compete from the raw natural gift and passion).


We can have the most techically gifted players but if their heart is not with us then it is just another team to them. We want and need that extra ingredient x.


Chopper played his 200th game for us today out of a total of 210. He has that ingredient x.

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Gonzo said:

Steve Baldwin should never have been the player to come off - he had looked solid and had worked very hard. If a defender had to be substituted it should have been Graeme Hall. Eventually Jim will realise that hes going to have to drop Hall, but Baldwin may leave before he does so.

Tottally agree with you. Ive seen too home games and ive been disapointed with him. I think Baldwin was out best Defender today.
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No disrepect to GRW, but they were not the best team we have faced. Steve Baldwin was a regular last year and voted as one of our best. Surely there should have been a time for those who won the championship to prove their worth.


I know things move on and we are playing in a better standard of football and we need better players but please do not forget those who got us here in the first place.

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Only good think about your gorund on a hot bank holiday monday for wakering was the crumpet? some great snatch boys,better than your sh!t pitch.

Well played boys should have been 5 or 6 i agree,our goal was disallowed for nothing could have been 1-1 !!!!!!!!!!

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Just read the Great Wakering web site and brief report on Monday's game.

I know every supporter has "their view of the game" and is entitled to their opinion, BUT, how can the reporter state that the best team did NOT win ?

I must have been at the wrong match or got too much sun ! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/boxing.gif" alt="" />

Let's be fair.....it could have been three or four by half time.

Yes...Wakering had some chances to score, but the best team not winning....get real. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/boxing.gif" alt="" />

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You obviously were not concentrating. The linesman raised his flag around 5 seconds before the goal was scored. It was disallowed for offside. ET originally appealed when the flag was raised but then rallied and challenged when it appeared that the ref was going to ignore it.


As for the pitch wait until you go to Barking and then you will have real grounds for complaint.


My opinion, FWIW, is that GWR were by far the worst team we have played this season and that includes Soham Town.

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Was a poor display from our boys,Saturdays win at uxbrige young steph was a tiring game,and i think many playrs struggled sat with heat,Your players handled it better.


Great crowd,would like to play infront of that every other week.


Great female presents at the game .!!!


Think our defence was busy scaning the crowd in the first half.

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the crowd was good yesterday, bank holiday, great weather, good turn out, what more could you want. disagree with you though, there's never enough women at the town, we need more girly supporters!


i think town definitly deserved more goals than we were got! how many shots on goal did we have!?

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Had about 20 corners first half,i know as i headed about 10 out.Could have been more first half goals for yourself.the gods were shining with the sun on us wakering boys.


Better second half all round from us,nearly nicked a draw.


Have to do a free brezzer to all ladies that enter the ground,that will drag them in round there i,am sure.

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Women at football - should never have been allowed.


The rot started when my mum started coming around 30 years ago. She still does not understand the game and thinks all footballers should be able to "bend it like Beckham".


Womes should remain in the tea hut where they belong.



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