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AFF Wombles don't rate Gate


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ohhh well let Turner think what he want two he may be right he might not we will see.

At the moment i dont now how he can evaluate the team as we dont even know who the hell we have yet <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.

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in reply to james .

thats coz redbridge were proberly the most dire team that i recall seeing... apart from they beat us coz we were worse *cough*... but i blame mr beckwiths dire performance on that.


with a ome support of about 100 i doubt redbridge will be achiving much this year either.

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was just looking at fishers squad list and damn they got some good players now.....


with lastseasons attendance average of 90 i wonder how much they are paying them.


with players including

Francis Duku

Lenny piper

Leroy Griffiths < ill say no more..


and many other good players in there team.. there going to be a tough team to beat.

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Fisher are just one of many tough teams in this league. AFC Wimbledon, Billericay are full time, Braintree (who beat us last season), Chelmsford to name just some. We have the spine of the team but need to strengthen up front and in centre of the defence if we are going to compete for a top six place. And please get Mark Green signed up CK.

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I think it is a very fair assessment of our chances.I look forward as we all do to getting back to HP.but let no one have any illusions about how we are going to fare on the field.I think we are in for a tough time.OK, CK has done it before but then he did have the nucleus of a good team,I do not think this the case this time.The players are just not availiable, and the Leagues and the teams are a damn sight tougher now.Before I am shot down, does any one agree with me. I will be at all the home games regardless of how we are doing and most of the away games,as I have done for the past thirty eight years. COME ON YOU BLUES UP THE GATE <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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You raise fair points of which I cannot possibly disagree and to be shot down for stating the obvious would be a travesty.However we do hold much hope for the coming season as what with the players we have on offer we have to believe and though not having stiff PSFs with exceptional teams we have acquitted ourselves quite well taking into acount all the pros and cons.It can only improve with a settled side so the future will undoubtedly become clearer after a few harder games have been played in the league. Coming home was our main objectve and that has been achieved and so we go on from there in the hope of on field improvement. Its not going to be easy but then again is anything in life easy!

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Agree with both above posts.


My expectatitions are not too high for this season though.


Genuine consolidation and mid table would do for me .Just no flirting with relegation please-its no good for the nerves.


Just a 'happy season' would suffice for me,with a good FA Cup and Trophy run.


Can't really see us getting anywhere top 8 for reasons as per above posts.Quality of team just not there.

Other top teams will be as good as top half of conference south teams and we could not match them, albeit with a better side than it looks like we will have this year, so if we finish mid table ,i could live with that(just for one season)


Also lets not forget how tough a league it is-Dover had decent players last year(though manager problems)and they went straight down so it will be tough

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