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Westview EssexSenior League

Fixtures 2005/2006


Saturday 13th August Waltham Abbey Away L

Tuesday 16th August London APSA HOME LC

Saturday 20th August Exempt FA Cup FAC

Tuesday 23rd August Hillbridge Sports Away LC

Saturday 27th August Calfont St Peter or Buckingham Town HOME FAC

Saturday 3rd September Southend Manor HOME L

Tuesday 6th September Sawbridgeworth Town Away L

Saturday 10th September Eton Manor or FACUP 1st Qualifying HOME L

Satruday 17th September Burham Rambles Away L

Tuesday 20th September Hullbridge Sports HOME LC

Saturday 24 September Standsted or FACUP 2nd Qualifying HOME L

Saturday 1st October Tilbury HOME L

Tuesday 4th October London APSA Away LC

Saturday 8th October Brentwood HOME GBT

Saturday 15th October Hullbridge Sports Away L

Tuesday 18th October Tilbury HOME LC

Saturday 22nd October Basildon HOME L

Tuesday 25th October Tilbury Away LC

Saturday 29th October FA Vase 1st Round FA Vase

Saturday 5th November Bowers & Pitsea Away L

Saturday 12th November London APSA HOME L

Saturday 19th November FA Vase 2nd Round or GBT FA Vase

Saturday 26th November Brentwood Away L

Saturday 3rd December Barkingside HOME L

Saturday 10th December Concord Rangers Away L

Saturday 17th December Romford Away L

Monday 2nd January Waltham Abbey HOME L

Saturday 7th Januray Eton Manor Away L

Saturday 14th Januray Hullbridge Sports HOME L

Saturday 21st January London APSA Away L

Saturday 28th Januray Burham Rambles HOME L

Saturday 4th Feburuary Baisildon Away L

Saturday 11th February Sawbridgeworth Town HOME L

Saturday 18th February Barkingside Away L

Saturday 25th February Romford HOME L

Satruday 4th March Standsted Away L

Saturday 11th March Southend Manor Away L

Saturday 18th March Bowers & Pitsea HOME L

Saturday 25th March Concord Rangers HOME L

Saturday 1st April Tilbury Away L

Saturday 8th April Brentwood HOME L

Saturday 15th April G B M T Final

Monday 1st May League Cup Final

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indeed maxie and we shall of course celebrate the 4 years since we had the last world cup final party..... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


talk about a lifetime crammed into 4 years...cor blimey...who could have predicted it all... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


the world cup is still behind the bar and awaits a new holder.... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Stupid Parents ... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />


I Miss ...


Saturday 27th August Calfont St Peter or Buckingham Town HOME FAC

Saturday 3rd September Southend Manor HOME L

Tuesday 6th September Sawbridgeworth Town Away L


Will Find A Computer With Internet Access Somewhere Though So I Can Find Out How We Get On ... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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urchinboys said:
No Boxing Day spectacular then!!!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

You could always watch us play the pikeys.
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YELLOW said:
urchinboys said:
No Boxing Day spectacular then!!!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

You could always watch us play the pikeys.

You know Yellow, I might just take you up on that.

Before that, between the next two midweek 'Ornchurch games, let's all get behind the Orient.


Then, Urchinboys, we might just drink Grays' clubhouse dry with all the real ales they stock...
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The match is at the Rec. Would be nice to see a few Urchin faces turn up.

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You'd be more welcome than the Grays' mongs.

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