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Feedback from the club?

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I guess it has everything to do with the summer break and so on, but we the fans, are getting precious little info (apart from our own Dave H) from the club.

* What progress is being made with the grant?

* What progress is being made with the stand?

* How many of the squad have actually signed full time contracts?

* How many more players does Liam hope to sign before the start of the league campaign?

It was announced this morning on RK that Dartford BC have approved the build of 6,000 new homes in Swanscombe = 18,000 population increase. How are we going to tap into that?

Any news on the new stadium?

Have we got any costings yet?

Have we any plans to finance it?

Have we any architects plans yet?

Dartford have been approved their new 5000 seater ground at Princes Park to be ready by July 2006 .

Would new fans rather watch a potentially up and coming club in the comfort of a plush new stadium or come down to the squalor that is Stonebridge Road?

I wrote to the club 4 weeks ago about ticket books. Never had a reply.

I'm afraid all this reflects poorly on the club I love, and whilst people may well be working very hard behind the scenes, feedback, even a scrap of it, would be welcomed.

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Harry J Allstars said:
Chatham Gary said:
Have we any architects plans yet?

Mikefleets company is doing it!

Instead of a series of endless digs at Mikefleet, Harry, why not come up with an intelligent response to my original posting?
At least a bit of it must be worth a discussion.
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Sorry CG your right, and sorry Mike he has been on the sharpe end of a few of my comments of late.


I also am shocked at the level of feedback and publicity from the club. A few weeks ago I sent a letter of application enquiring about any office vacancies at the club. A reply was recieved complete with mandatory spelling mistake (Will get back to you instead of We'll get back to you), but haven't heard anything since.


The best solution would be to coller Wicksy after game and ask hm face to face. I tried this theory out and it worked at treat at the Fordy testimonial. Still doesn't help out with our problem of poor feedback from the club though.


One thing I have thought of though is someone, a fan, could meet with a club represenative and ask a series of questions based on what the fans want to know.


We could rotate turns as months roll by, maybe not the best solution in the world but got to be better then the current situation.


Who wants to go first? With you list of questions there Gary you seem like the best bet.

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Chatham Gary said:
Well done Harry, it took guts to apologise to Mike. Our problem is we all care too much for Fleet.

I think it is mainly that we all care about the club and want better things to happen and in time it will. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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What happened to the idea of a representative of the Fleet Trust being invited onto the Board?


As you indicated Jimmy, the Fleet Trust gave £15,000 to the Club this year and £10,000 the previous year - these figures are surely the equivalent to at least 1 directors contribution to the Club on a yearly basis.


The Fleet Trust has 200 members - who's opinions should be heard if channelled in the correct manner, through a representative of the Trust sitting on the Board.

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Emails are always a problem.


If I need to speak to anyone at the club I either write a letter (old school) or ring them up.


Another option is to talk to the appropriate person, I assume this would be Barry Wickenden, face to face. He always takes on board what people say even if he cannot do much about it himself.


Emails are too easily ignored or misdirected internally.

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