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Inside page back of Sough Windsor@Eton EddIE DENTON considering his position at Slough due to no news of a forth coming budget for next season.

Last season at the supporters agm Mr Deaner said if you take the risk with me it will be like a rollercoaster and that you will have to trust me at the present time that rollercoaster is on a downward spiral

Come on Mr Deaner what is happening and what are your intenions for the club for the coming season.

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SteveDelaney said:
Inside page back of Sough Windsor@Eton EddIE DENTON considering his position at Slough due to no news of a forth coming budget for next season.
Last season at the supporters agm Mr Deaner said if you take the risk with me it will be like a rollercoaster and that you will have to trust me at the present time that rollercoaster is on a downward spiral
Come on Mr Deaner what is happening and what are your intenions for the club for the coming season.

Steve, Martin Deaner is a businessman who wheels and deals on a daily basis and obviously his aim is to make money.

I should imagine that at the end of each month he would look at how much he has made/lost and budget for the following month with a reserve fund in the event a deal that is too good to miss coming along.

To invest in a loss making industry like a football club you either have a love for the club or you have some other vested interested i.e. your son plays for them.

Now this vested interest for Martin Deaner has gone, his only loyalty to Slough is the promises he made and the fact that he's spent a lot of money on us.

Even if he has recently made a lot of money from deals it is still £25k and players wages that he has to kiss goodbye to with no return for himself.

As you see we are probably at the bottom of his shopping list and a nuisance that he wants rid of asap.

The only thing we can hope for is that he is a man of his word and that he has a spare £25k+ to sustain us for the next season and in the meantime hope that someone comes along who is just in love with the idea of helping out a small well supported non league club like Slough.
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I agree with everything you say and what Mr Deaner has done for the club by putting his money where his mouth is, during the time he has been with us has to be congratulated and I am the first to be thankful.

But we are now in the present and with no details of forth coming money for next season's budget and no communication from any one the future does look a bit bleak.

Always the optimist up the 'REBELS'.

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Surely he is not doing us any favours by being silent. He should quickly announce his intentions so that the supporters trust can pick up any lose ends. The longer he leaves it the more players leave and the more difficult it will be for anyone to help.

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Anonymous said:
Surely he is not doing us any favours by being silent. He should quickly announce his intentions so that the supporters trust can pick up any lose ends. The longer he leaves it the more players leave and the more difficult it will be for anyone to help.

You could almost be foregiven for thinking that this is being done on purpose to reduce the wage bill <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bigshock.gif" alt="" />

Yes your right, Martin Deaner has, up to now, kept us alive and we must quite rightly be grateful but it has come to the time when he must make his intentions known otherwise all the hard work done in the last two seasons by everybody at the club will have come to nothing and a football club with a lot of tradition and a great set of loyal supporters could just disappear. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bawling.gif" alt="" />
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