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where is Mr Maskell??


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I didnt get scared off, I just had to get ready for my exam the next morning. Incidentally it didnt go very well.


As for my not being here as often as usual, for some strange reason my computer at home wont connect to this site. As I type, Im in the Margate Library, waiting 4 minutes to get from page to page. Good to see our taxes are going to good causes!


Asking that question had nothing to do with slagging the club off. Hell the question was justified. KP admitted there were financial problems still. I was asking how hopeful he was that the CVA would be successfully concluded. As reported in the kentonline site, the major creditor with 85% is the Inland Revenue, which has refused one offer from the club of £10,000 a month starting in August. According to what was said, the club owes them around £175,000. Ill admit, KP had a tough choice to make in who to pay first, wouldnt the best thing be to pay off the Inland Revenue, who appear to be rather militant in regards to MFC? On the other hand, MFC needs its commercial activities to be opened up as soon as poss, therefore he should pay off the trade creditors and others. Its a difficult decision. As for the second point about short-termism, perhaps it was wrong for me to bring it up.

KP was fired up because he knew about what I had said here. I dont care too much about his criticising me for what Ive said. When he talks about facts the £877,386 was the deficit carried forward figure from Margate FCs last accounts (May 2004). I can certainly now see why some have problems with him.


The news about the directors jooining is very welcome news, as Ive had my problems with having a small Board. It just doesnt appear accountable to have 3 people making major decisions.

Sorry cookie missed all that though. Good to be introduced to him.

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i find all this number talk boring tbh, plus i thought u spoke in a very arragant tone. i stayed after the questions & answers to mingle with the people who i consider good friends, whom i have meet in during watching games even tho i had a uni exam at 9 the next morning also which may i add went very well.

but the questions to you remains are you just here to cause trouble or are you going to watch the gate and join in the good times and have some fun which may i add you have never seen, you never know you could make a friend..

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James I dont want to get at you but why dont you offer to go on the board and thats not meant as a sarcastic remark. You seem to have your head screwed on the right way so maybe you could have an input. On the other hand if you just want to be a fan and supporter why dont you just leave those in charge to get on with things. Whilst its always good to know certain facts they shouldnt really concern us,the fans. Our role is to support the club in every way possible from a supporters point of view. Cant we just forget about the figures and worry about getting this clubs name out to the public, go and watch the games and pay admission and generally help in any other way that we can. The directors have it all under control I am sure. Not saying you are right or wrong but lets just stick to being loyal fans and supporters from now on. Is that possible? I think your details have sunk in by now. Its not our business,literally, to get involved to the extent that you are doing. Am sure you mean well. Nice to meet you too, albeit for a brief moment. Lets put all this to the side now can we and unite as a fan base without the unwanted details. That is for the club to worry about and as said before I am sure they have things in hand.

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Cookie and Legend. I agree with both of your comments. Im not going to offer to join the board. Its not worth it nor do I feel I would be of much use on that Board.


I may well have appeared arrogant. I wasnt trying to be that. In fact I was just trying to ask a decent question on the CVA to have it thrown back in my face by KP, who was clearly sick and tired of people like rayw and others who have been far worse than me. Im hoping you are right about your last comment, cookie. I will be at the first game and I will try to get to as many games as I can.

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It is important for fans to take an interest in the "boring stuff" as it has a direct impact on what happens on the pitch. There is nothing wrong with people asking constructive questions.

The role of fans is not to moronically support everything the club do. Maybe if we had been a bit more questioning a few years ago we wouldn't have ended up in such a mess.

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What difference would us knowing certain things have made. No matter what replies we get to questions, at the end of the day its not us who are running the club. Knowing certain things would NOT have made a difference whatsoever.If we knew then would that have altered things? Dont really think so. Sorry, but I have to disagree with you completely.

Getting questions over to those in charge and getting certain replies only serves to cure us of our curiosity.

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Hello David. Nice to hear from you. Its been ages. Bull [****!!****] or no bull [****!!****] its what you WANT to believe, and that sometimes can be damaging. We have a club to go back to at home and that tells me the club have gone about things in a proper manner and we have ALL been kept up to scratch with things on a regular basis. THAT was lacking before but its not now.

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I am not sure you are correct there - it seems to me that, for a considerable time, the direcctors have been footing the funding. There weren't enough of us supporting the team last season to fund very much at all.

As for the future, yes, we can be influential if there are enough of us. So really our direction should be more to encourage more and more people to come along and find out just what it is that makes this club so vey worthwhile to follow. They will get a sense of that from what is going on on the pitch, and the atmosphere that we as fans create around the terraces.

Part of getting bums on seats is to be very positive about what is going on, and be welcoming to newcomers. We know now the extent of the work to do with the financial burden, but until there are many many more of us the directors will continue to shoulder most of the burden so I think we should give them the space to get on with it.

James, considering how wrong you have been about several issues to do with the club's finances, I thought Mr Piper was very gracious and patient with you. I am sorry I did not get a chance to meet you, but we do have a date at the first match where you will be very welcome. I do not want to patronise you, but you are quite a bit younger than I, and you really should be getting more fun out of football than you have so far seemed to find. Lighten up, for goodness sake.

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This string is really quite interesting in terms of what gets to different people. During the regular season I often find myself frustrated with all the part time managers who with the benefit of 20-20 hindsight comment on the appropriateness of various team selections and substitutions. Interestingly some of these same Ron Managers get just as frustrated when others set themselves up as Colin Director again with the benefit of perfect vision hindsight. I do worry that as I find myself frustrated by both I am indeed something of a blind loyalist come what may. Oh well, guess I'll just look forward to the new season so I can cheer on the team at HDP regardless. Sorry I couldn't make Wednesday night but work got in the way. Stopped by the pitch this afternoon and must say the turf looks pristine - so much better than Homelands (no disrespect intended) and great to see the groundsman now has a proper job to do!

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Blimey that does sound a bit pathetic doesn't it! I think in truth it's changed in the last couple of years - I certainly blamed JP in large part for the mess three years ago. However given our dire situation for the last two seasons anything but absolute backing for CK and KP just keeping us going seemed pointless. It wasn't like CK had much option with team selection or transfer opportunities and similarly KP and directors just keeping the club going feels like a victory. I guess it's the sort of Dunkirk spirit that the supporters who have gone through it have largely developed. Although some still can't resist the Ron Manager role!

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I think being Ron Manager on a saturday afternoon is why many people get out and follow football .


I'm sure CK and every other manager would not have it any other way, because without all of us Ron Managers, football would not be half the game it is and certainly not get the attendances

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