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So it begins at Man Utd

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I see from the sports websites and today's Evening Standard that the long knives have been out in the Man Utd boardroom with Glazers two sons coming in to replace the current chairman and two other directors.


The Glazers claim that they understand sport due to their work at the Tampa Bay Buccaneers but does that prepare them for life in English football and the Premiership in particular.


I know that Man Utd is basically a business but football clubs are unlike any other businesses because they have 1000s of shareholders who do not have a vote and who are also the businesses main customers.


Will the Glazers be able to cover the large debts that they have incurred to buy the club if their customers the supporters desert them in droves?


And does this bring the likelihood of the formation an AFC Man Utd, or whatever they intend to call themselves, any closer

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i think FC United is well in the planning process...well, that is, they're about to decide a name, but are determined to form a club.




from my understanding, glazer has put the club in debt in order to buy the club...


the fatal wound was delivered when the alleged organ dealing oil thief roman started splashing his blood money all over the football scene.


the unique thing about the united fans though is that even if the 100k or so fans who regularly go decide to boycott, well there's plenty more where they came from - a plane comes in from thailand every 12 hours, their global brand is so famous that even an amish looking yank has heard of them and seen them as an attractive business investment.


united will never go under, but i do forsee them becoming the next liverpool - i.e. mis-management will lead to them sliding down the league to their version of rock-bottom - 6th place & maybe a european/uefa cup every now and then to keep the sponsors happy.


still, that's 'saccher'...


chavley cole content: play abroad then, howsabout australia? you can collect the 20 or so birthday presents your dad owes you...


biscuit content: dunk, wiggle, lift, wiggle. hardcore, you know the score.

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Sawbo Shaun said:
"but i do forsee them becoming the next liverpool - i.e. mis-management will lead to them sliding down the league to their version of rock-bottom - 6th place & maybe "

Oh.... you mean Champions of Europe?

why yes indeed, when i said 'european cup' i did mean champions of europe. well done for not only reading, but also understanding my post.

the european cup, fantastic achievment though it is for LFC does not cover up the fact that liverpool are a once great club in decline.
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Although, I would guess that it's better to have one it in the past than never at all?


Treeboy, I can see manyoo struggling big time for at least a decade. But who knows, maybe the window brothers have a cunning plan?


Are you all set for the big match tomorrow??

Silver leaf and all that??

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to have 'one' it in the past is one thing.


one in the tree is much better <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


getting ready mate, which reminds me...


The Richmond.




earls court road exit, turn left. i'll be there from about 5.30...

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and1inthetree said:
to have 'one' it in the past is one thing.

one in the tree is much better <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

getting ready mate, which reminds me...

The Richmond.


earls court road exit, turn left. i'll be there from about 5.30...

As long as you don't fall orf or get a branch in an uncomfortable place at a critical moment.

And wot are you doing up in the Earls Court Road?

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chloe.gif" alt="" />
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and1inthetree said:
to have 'one' it in the past is one thing.

one in the tree is much better <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

getting ready mate, which reminds me...

The Richmond.


earls court road exit, turn left. i'll be there from about 5.30...

Looks ok to me, it has fruities so that's all good!

I'll be meeting the Mrs at about 5.45 then we will head straight there.

What time will MrsTree be in attendance?
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theofficeboy said:
How are the hub caps Shaun?

Do I recall seeing you keep at Stortford? (Or maybe a different Shaun)

Alloys now dear boy!!

Same Shaun I fear...
Can't do the the travelling with work commitments. It will be nice to see a few faces when the league starts- new and old.
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and1inthetree said:
Sawbo Shaun said:
"but i do forsee them becoming the next liverpool - i.e. mis-management will lead to them sliding down the league to their version of rock-bottom - 6th place & maybe "

Oh.... you mean Champions of Europe?

why yes indeed, when i said 'european cup' i did mean champions of europe. well done for not only reading, but also understanding my post.

the european cup, fantastic achievment though it is for LFC does not cover up the fact that liverpool are a once great club in decline.

I can get into a detailed debate anout how many holes there are in that generalistic statemnet but I won't. I will summarise.

Great team in deline but not "great club in decline" Liverpool are still a great club it is history passion and the way the board conducts itself that all contribute to a clubs greatness.

As for my revised statement of team in decline then I think that was the case during the Souness and Evans years- Houllier won a few pots and got us to runners up but couldn't take it to the next stage- then he just ran out of ideas.

Benetiz is tactically aware and won the ECL with 90% houlliers team- given injuries ( which were the worst I have ever known) and the first season in english football I would give Benetiz a lot more time to build a team to challenge the top 3.

Man Yoo are in decline I stand by a statement that Rooney's purchase was a desperate act of a once great manager.

Arsenal are Quality
Chelsea can just buy fantasy footballers - but still play efficient 442 football - they were found out against us- ran out of ideas without Duff and Robben
Man U are past it- Fergie is past it.I see them very much as we were in 92. They need to replace Keane - very soon or the wheeels will come off and if Ferdinand goes then they can forget it.

We I feel are on the up. A good pre season and we may shake a few things up yet.
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well if any of those predictions come true I'll platt sh*te...


Glazer is the best thing that has happened to united in 10 years since they got rid of Ince and he will succeed.....the pool will win the euro league again next year and chelsea will win fck all....


arsenal will join the french 1st division and commute across the channel for all away games and..............


sven will undoubtedly win the world cup and.....errrr.....


oh yeah...nearly fogot....


Hx will win the ESL....... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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