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FA plans for levels 4-6 for season 2006/7 onwards

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I see in today's NLP that the FA has apparently sent draft re-organisation suggestions to all clubs at levels 4-6.


Is anyone able to reveal what they propose for clubs in the good old ESL?




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Dunno. The reports just said that a new level 4 midland league was being considered (a la the old Midland Southern) and that proposal had be sent to all 4-6 clubs for their observations.


I thought that this post might draw out our friend from Potters Bar who always seems to have all the answers.


P.S. Airman actually! Senior Aircaftsman no less!

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Well, as you ask, I haven't heard anything for a few weeks (and I don't bother reading the NLP which, apparently, has some info about this in it today) but the last I heard was that current FA thinking is to create two new Step 4 Leagues (one in the north and one in the midlands). This would involve promoting between 36 & 44 clubs (depending who you speak to) from existing Step 5 leagues with the strong possibility of no relegation from any of the Step 4 leagues next season. I also hear that the FA are favouring 20 club divisions lower down the pyramid - i.e. ESL level.


Of course, having said all that, there is a lot of speculation around at the moment and we all know how quickly such plans and ideas can change.


I look forward to receiving the proposals if they are, indeed, on their way to Step 4-6 clubs.

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Thank you PBT for your input.


The NLP reckons that the FA are considering raising the number of step 4 leagues from four to six.


The paper says that first the Unibond Div 1 would become Unibond One (north) with another Unibond One (Midlands) being created for W Midlands and surrounding connurbations.


The other extra Step 4 league they say might be created by splitting the Ryman Div One into two leagues with one north of the Thames and the other South of the river.


They say that there might not be any relegation from the present level 4 leagues at the end of 2005/6 season to prepare for the 2006/7 season when it is hoped that this reorganisation comes into being.


One further suggestion of particular interest to ESL clubs was that it was suggested that all level 5 leagues would have 20 and not 22 teams.


It concludes by saying that all proposals must be agreed before the start of the coming season for them to be able to come into force for the 2006/7 season.


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Pretty much what I had been told then. I had also heard about the possible Ryman north/south split next season as it was mentioned by Mike Appleby a couple of weeks ago. This would fit in with the idea that the Ryman are happy to let Div 2 go at the end of next season in exchange for a second Div 1.

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If anyone has a copy of the consultation document, would they like to post the contents on here.


As others have stated there is lots of speculation, particularly on another's site and although speculation is fun, it would be nice to base opinion on fact or at least official ideas that are written down.


Two areas that are being speculated on are the futures of the Essex Senior and Kent Leagues.


Both, effectively single division leagues at Step Five are finding it difficult to get new clubs in (one reason, the ESL was phenominally successful in promoting teams to the Isthmian League in it's years of great expansion). However, many appear to think that if the FA do eventually reduce from 14 (after the IL2 has gone) down to 12 Step Five leagues/divisions, then it's these two that will go! Perhaps the LeagueChairman would like to add some comments?

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What I didn't say in my post, was that I don't favour a reduction in Step Five divisions/leagues, except losing IL2.


I do fear for the future of the Essex Senior and Kent Leagues. I think both leagues along with the FA have to meet with their feeders, the Essex Intermediate and Kent County Leagues respectively, to work out how to help clubs improve their facilities, firstly to increase membership numbers of the ESL and KL, but in the long term, to have viable promotion AND relegation. It's the lack of relegation, that most observers (obvilously not from Essex/London/Kent) have a problem with!

They have a valid point. But merging the ESL with the Spartan South Midlands or the Kent League with the Sussex County League and part of the Combined Counties League is only treating the symptom and not the cause of the problem!


Long live the Essex Senior and Kent Leagues!

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Not knowing much about level 6 and even 7 is there that great disparity between 6 and 5.


And is it only caused by the FA's insistence on too high a standard for the facilities at level 5 clubs?


The blazers seem to have this mindset that all clubs want to achieve promotion and move up the pyramid whilst my view is that the majority are glad to have a functioning club that just keeps its head above the financial waters.

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niftynigel said:
I do fear for the future of the Essex Senior and Kent Leagues. I think both leagues along with the FA have to meet with their feeders, the Essex Intermediate and Kent County Leagues respectively.

Don't know too much about football in Kent but the biggest stumbling block in Essex is the strictness of the Essex FA in awarding senior status. There are "senior" clubs in all surrounding counties that wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting senior status in Essex and, likewise, at least a dozen Essex Intermediate League clubs whose grounds would immediately attain senior status in any other county but the one they are in.

I was discussing this point with the Essex FA's Chief Exec last season and he was of the opinion that he couldn't see why any intermediate club would want to become a senior club!

Good to see that White Ensign are probably only twelve months away from attaining senior status but it is a struggle to see any more following them. That said, if White Ensign do come up and Clapton and Witham Town join from the dying Ryman 2, the ESL will have 18 clubs in 2006/7 (19 if no-one is promoted). If they could attract a couple of the Eastern Counties League clubs back, the ESL would suddenly be looking a whole lot healthier!
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There is an update on this subject in today's NLP


The six level 4 leagues proposal adding a Midland feeder to 3 and splitting Ryman 1 to north and south and seems to be popular recommendation.


The suggestion is that all these level 4 leagues will have no more than 20 teams in them thus reducing travelling costs etc.


The extra places in these leagues will be recruited from level 5 clubs wishing to advance and having the infrastructure to move upwards.


Applications for promotion for the additional 32 places required in the new level 4 leagues have to be in by November 30 2005 with the applicant club facilities to be examined in December and January and the exercise completed by April 1 2006.


It appears that any level 5 team who wishes to apply and feels that they have the right grading facilities can do so. (This should prove to be an interesting exercise !!)


It is confrmed that Ryman 2 will disappear with its members either being reallocated to other level 5 leagues or promoted as part of the 32 extra club uplift needed for the new level 4 structure.


Although there are no specific recommendations it is confirmed that the idea is that level 5 leagues will be reduced to 12 leagues of 18/20 teams maximum with promotion/relegation to level 4 being 1 up from each league with the two relegated being allocated one each to their appropriate geographical level 5 league.


No doubt the fate of level 5 leagues will be decided after the next FA Council meeting on June 30 has discussed the reponse to their level 4 propsals outline above.


Hope this all makes reasonable sense.

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Boro Fan said:
It appears that any level 5 team who wishes to apply and feels that they have the right grading facilities can do so. (This should prove to be an interesting exercise !!)

According to the FA document, the recommendation is that Step 5 clubs will have to finish in the top three at the end of 05/06 to be considered for promotion to Step 4. Lower placed clubs will only be considered in areas considered geographically remote (i.e. South West & North East) in order to reduce travelling for existing Step 4 clubs in these areas.
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Potters Bar Town FC said:
Boro Fan said:
It appears that any level 5 team who wishes to apply and feels that they have the right grading facilities can do so. (This should prove to be an interesting exercise !!)

According to the FA document, the recommendation is that Step 5 clubs will have to finish in the top three at the end of 05/06 to be considered for promotion to Step 4. Lower placed clubs will only be considered in areas considered geographically remote (i.e. South West & North East) in order to reduce travelling for existing Step 4 clubs in these areas.

PBT, the report said that applications would be accepted from down to 5th place if the higher applicants were not deemed to be satisfactory.

The whole worrying thing about the 32 upgoers is that they represent an average of two departures from every current step 5 league.

Where do you think the Ryman N/S will pick up their extra 18? from? And I wonder what catchment area they will cover.

Seems to me that the whole country will require geographical realignment to satisfy the remit of these proposals properly.

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Most of the Ryman 2 sides will be expected to move up to Ryman 1. You can bet your bottom dollar that there is some sort of "gentleman's agreement" to that effect to encourage the Ryman League to lose their bottom division in exchange for a higher one. I notice there is a proviso that there is no guarantee that all Ryman 2 clubs will move up but this is probably just to stop some of the less fashionable clubs moving up.


The report seems to advocate that two other step 5 leagues, apart from Ryman 2, must go at the end of next season. Reading the comments about this subject on another's site, everyone seems to be assuming that the ESL will be one of those leagues to go. This would be extremely sad if it proves to be the case but could be an opportunity to argue for more than three clubs to be promoted.

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